Stanislav Grigoriev
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Russia 俄羅斯
Period for Grants:6個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:Institute of History and Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Topic:Comparison of metallurgy of ancient China and Northern Eurasia in the Bronze Age中國與北亞地區青銅時代冶煉技術比較研究
Work catalog
- Metallurgical Production in Northern Eurasia in the Bronze Age. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd., 2015. – 831 p.
- Древние индоевропейцы. Челябинск: Цицеро, 2015 / Ancient Indo-Europeans. Chelyabinsk: Cicero, 2015. – 496 p.
- Металлургическое производство в Северной Евразии в эпоху бронзы. Челябинск: Цицеро, 2013 / Metallurgical production in Northern Eurasia in the Bronze Age. Chelyabinsk: Cicero, 2013. – 660 p. (co-authors Ivasko, L., Pirbari D.) Holy Lalish. Ekaterinburg: “Basko”, 2008. 208 p. (in English, Russian, Kurmanji).
- Ancient Indo-Europeans. Chelyabinsk: Rifei, 2002. 496 p.
- Ancient Indo-Europeans. Historical reconstruction. Chelyabinsk. Rifei, 1999. 444 p. (In Russian). (co-author Petrova L.) Settlement of Mochische and Andronovo problem. Chelyabinsk: Cicero, 2018 (in press, in Russian).
Article catalog
- Ural-European Parallels in the Eneolithic and the Bronze Age: Identification of Migrations (Methodological Approach) // Sociology and Anthropology 6(2): 252-258, 2018.
- Archaeological Cultures of the Near East and Northern Eurasia In Light of the Indo-European Problem. Arch & Anthropol Open Acc. 1(4). AAOA.000518. 2018.
- Social processes in Ancient Eurasia and development of types of alloys in metallurgical production // Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies, 2017, V. 5, № 2, p. 17-41.
- Исследование металлургических шлаков Аитовского поселения // Аитовское поселение эпохи бронзы в Башкирском Приуралье. Уфа: УНЦ РАН, 2017. С. 203-213. // Investigation of metallurgical slags of Aitovo settlement // Aitovo settllement of the Bronze Age in Bashkiria. Ufa: Ural scientific Center, 2017, P. 203-213.
- Технологии плавки руды и причины смены типов легирования в древней металлургии Евразии // Геоархеология и археологическая минералогия-2017. Институт минералогии УрО РАН. Екатеринбург, 2017. – с. 150-154. // Technology of ore smelting and reasons for changing types of alloying in ancient metallurgy of Eurasia // Geoarcheology and archeological mineralogy-2017. Institute of Mineralogy, Academy of Sciences. Ekaterinburg, 2017, P. 150-154.
- Plekhanova L.N., Grigoriev S.A. Особенности антропогенно-преобразованных почв поселения Мочище в лесостепном Зауралье // Материалы Всероссийской междисциплинарной научной конференции с международным участием «ПАЛЕОПОЧВЫ, ПАЛЕОЭКОЛОГИЯ, ПАЛЕОЭКОНОМИКА» / Товарищество научных изданий КМК. – Пущино: 2017. – С. 146-152. // Features of anthropogenically transformed soils of the Mochishche settlement in the forest-steppe Transurals // Proceedings of the Russian Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Paleosoils, paleoecology, paleoeconomics". Pushchino: 2017, P. 146-152.
- Проблема хронологии и происхождения алакульской культуры в свете новых раскопок в Южном Зауралье // Вестник археологии, антропологии и этнографии. Тюмень: Изд-во ИПОС СО РАН. 2016. № 3 (34) – С. 44-53. / Problem of chronology and origins of Alakul culture in light of new excavations in the Southern Urals // Bulletin of archaeology, anthropology and ethnography. Tyumen. 2016. № 3 (34) – P. 44-53.
- Использование каменного сырья на поселении Остров Веры 7 (Южный Урал) // Геоархеология и археологическая минералогия-2016. Миасс: Институт минералогии УрО РАН. 2016. с. 72-77. / Use of stone taw material on the settlement of Vera Island 7 (Southern Urals) // Geoarchaeology and archaeological mineralogy-2016. Miass. Institute of Mineralogy. 2016. P. 72-77.
- Шлаки раннего железного века Башкирского Приуралья // Уфимский археологический вестник, вып. 16, 2016. / Slags of the Early Iron Age in Bashkiria // Ufa archaeological bulletin. 16, 2016.
- Orientation of ancient cultic objects and Polar Drift // New concepts in global tectonics journal. 2015, V.3, №4, p. 216-231.
- Inclinations of Egyptian Pyramids and Finding of the Divine Essence // Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2015, 3(1), 1-27.
- Культовая площадка Остров Веры 9 на озере Тургояк // Уфимский археологический вестник, вып. 15, 2015. С. 4-12. / Cult pace of Vera Island 9 in the Turgoyak Lake // Ufa archaeological bulletin. 15, 2015. P. 4-12.
- К проблеме формирования алакульской культуры Зауралья // Этнические взаимодействия на Южном Урале. Челябинск, 2015, с. 119-124. / To the problem of formation of Alakul culture in the Transurals // Ethnic interactions in the Southern Urals. Chelyabinsk, 2015. P. 119-124.
- Petrova L.Y., Grigoriev S.A. Алакульский комплекс поселения Мочище I // Этнические взаимодействия на Южном Урале. Челябинск, 2015, с. 125-132. / Alakul complex of the Mochische I settlement. Ethnic interactions in the Southern Urals. Chelyabinsk, 2015. P. 125-132.
- Срубная и алакульская металлургия эпохи бронзы степной зоны // Геоархеология и археологическая минералогия–2015. Миасс: Институт минералогии УрО РАН, 2015. С. 99-102. / Timber-grave and Alakul metallurgy of the Bronze Age in the steppe area // Geoarchaeology and archaeological mineralogy-2015. Miass. Institute of Mineralogy. 2015. P. 99-102.
- Проблемы изучения древних металлургических шлаков Северной Евразии. // Геоархеология и археологическая минералогия–2015. Миасс: Институт минералогии УрО РАН, 2015. С. 30-34. / Problems of studies of metallurgical slags of Northern Eurasia // Geoarchaeology and archaeological mineralogy-2015. Miass. Institute of Mineralogy. 2015. P. 30-34.
- Petrova L.Y., Grigoriev S.A. Постройки алакульской культуры поселения Мочище I // Археология Западной Сибири и Алтая: опыт междисциплинарных исследований. Барнаул: Алт. ун-т, 2015. – С. 241-245. / Constructions of Alakul culture of the Mochsche I settlement // Archaeology of Western Siberia and the Altai: Experience of interdisciplinary research. Barnaul: Altai University, 2015. – P. 241-245.
- Еще раз о концепции Т.В. Гамкрелидзе и В.В. Иванова и о критических этюдах в индоевропеистике // Генофонд.ру – 0,7 п.л. http://xn--c1acc6aafa1c.xn--p1ai/?page_id=5221 / Once again about the concept of T.V. Gamkrelidze and V.V. Ivanov and about critical studies in Indo-European problem
- Формирование металлургического производства в Волго-Уралье в начале ПБВ // Процесс культурогенеза начальной поры позднего бронзового века Волго-Уральского региона (Вопросы хронологии, периодизации, историографии). – Самара: ПГСГА, 2014. – с. 39-44. / Formation of metallurgical production in the Volga-Ural area in the beginning of the LBA // Process of cultural genesis of the initial period of the Late Bronze Age of the Volga-Ural region. – Samara, 2014. – p. 39-44.
- Основные тенденции развития металлургии Северной Евразии в эпоху раннего металла // Труды IV (XX) Всероссийского археологического съезда Казани. Том IV. Казань: «Отечество». 2014. С. – 137-139. / Main tendencies in development of metallurgy in Northern Eurasia in the period of Early Metal // The 4th (20th) All-Russian Archaeological Congress Proceedings. V. IV. Kazan. 2014. P. – 137-139.
- О некоторых особенностях функционирования и интерпретации колодцев эпохи бронзы // Археологические исследования степной Евразии. Караганда, 2013. С. 96-102. / Some features of functioning and interpretation of Bronze Age wells // Archaeological studies in steppe Eurasia. Karaganda, 2013. P. 96-102.
- Migrations and their role in Eurasian cultural genesis // Cultures of steppe Eurasia and their interactions with ancient civilizations. – Sankt-Petersburg: «Periphery», 2012. 2, p. 40-49.
- Catastrophes in the first half of Holocene and their possible dynamic causes // New concepts in global tectonics newsletter. 2011, № 61, p. 95-107.
- Experiments with ancient copper smelting technologies // Experiments with Past Materialities. (Edited by D. Gheorghiu G. Children). BAR International Series 2302, 2011. – p. 55-65.
- Slag from the settlement of Berezovaya Luka and some problems of metallurgy of Elunino culture // Kiryushin Yu.F., Grushin S.P., Tishkin A.A. Berezovaya Luka – a settlement of the Bronze Age in Aleya steppe. Bd.2. Barnaul: Altai University, 2011, pp. 149-169 (in Russian).
- (co-author Vasina J.V.) Megaliths of the Vera Island in the Southern Urals // British archaeological report. International series 2123. Monumental questions: prehistoric megaliths, mounds and enclosures. Oxford, 2010, pp. 179-185.
- Metallurgical production of forest-steppe Eurasia in the Final Bronze Age and the beginning of the Early Iron Age. Chelyabinsk: South-Ural university, 2009, pp. 63-66 (in Russian).
- Spatial analysis of the Bronze Age sites in the Southern Urals // Questions of archaeology of the Urals. 25. Ekaterinburg, Surgut, “Magellan”, 2008, pp. 175-193 (in Russian).
- A problem of ore base, use of fluxes and organization of production in ancient metallurgy of the Southern Urals // Archaeology of East-European steppe. Saratov: Nauchnaja kniga. 2007, 5. pp. 176-199 (in Russian).
- Iron production in the Northern Eurasian Bronze Age // Fire as an Instrument: The Archaeology of Pyrotechnologies, British Archaeological Report, 2007, pp. 63-69.
- Experiments with ancient smelting process on the Turgoyak Lake In: D. Gheorghiu (ed.) Experimental Pyrotechnology Group Newsletter. №3, 2006 EPG is a periodical published by the National University of Arts in Bucharest.
- (co-authors Dunaev A.Yu., Yuminov A.M.) Use of chromites for prognosis of copper ores in ophiolites // Matallogeny of ancient and modern oceans – 2006. Conditions of ore formations. N 8211. Miass, IMin Uro RAN, 2006, pp. 295-302.
- Iron production in the Near East and study of the Bronze Age slag from Northern Eurasia // Archaeology of East-European steppe. Saratov: Nauchnaja kniga. 4. 2006, pp. 70-84.
- (co-authors Zaikov V.V., Dunaev A.Yu., Yuminov A.M., Zdanovich G.B.) Mineral indicators of copper ores for ancient metallurgy in the Southern Urals // Archaeomineralogy and ancient history of mineralogy. Syktyvkar, “Geoprint”, 2005, pp. 129-130 (In Russian).
- Analyses of slag remains from the settlements of Vishnyovka, Verkhnyaya Alabuga and Korshunovo in the Tobol-Ishim forest-steppe. Novosibirsk, 2005, pp. 95-99 (In Russian and English).
- (co-author Nikitin A.Y.) Experiments in reconstruction of ancient smelting of lead ores // D. Gheorghiu (ed.) Experimental Pyrotechnology Group Newsletter. №2, 2005, pp. 35-39.
- Experiments with ancient smelting technologies // Proceedings of the Chelyabinsk Scientific Center, 2005. 4, pp. 176-180 (In Russian).
- (co-authors Zaikov V.V., Yuminov A.M., Dunaev A.Yu., Zdanovich G.B.) Geologo-mineralogical studies of ancient copper mines in the Southern Urals // Archaeology, ethnography and anthropology of Eurasia. 2005. 4, pp. 101-115 (in Russian).
- (co-authors Dunaev A.Yu., Zaikov V.V.) Chromshpinelids as an indicator of copper ore sources for ancient metallurgy // Reports of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2005, V. 400, N2, pp. 228-232 (in Russian).
- Spectral analyses of slag of the Bronze Age of the Volga and Orenburg (Southern Urals) areas. Orenburg, 2004, pp. 46-63 (In Russian).
- (co-author Nikitin A.Yu.) Experiments with ancient lead ores smelting // Proceedings of the Chelyabinsk Scientific Center, 2004. 4, pp. 141-143 (In Russian).
- Analytical studies of metallurgical slag from the cemetery of Krivoe Ozero // Vinogradov N.B. The cemetery of Krivoe Ozero in the Southern Transurals. Chelyabinsk: South-Ural publishing house, 2003, p. 310.
- Metallurgy of the Bronze Age of Central Kazakhstan. In Steppe civilization of Eastern Eurasia. Astana: Kultegin, 2003, pp. 136-158 (In Russian).
- Investigations of chromshpinelids and a problem of ore-base of Sintashta metallurgy // Proceedings of the Chelyabinsk Scientific Center. Snezhinsk. RFYC-VNIITF, 2003 (In Russian). 3. 2003, pp. 56-60.
- Mineralogy of slag from the Mosolovskoe settlement. In Archaeology of the East-European forest-steppe. 17. Voronezh, 2003, pp. 123-133 (In Russian).
- About “metallurgy of lead” on the Sintashta sites // Problems of archaeology of Volga area. 3. SSC, Samara, 2003, pp. 268-276.
- Metallurgical slag from Northern Eurasia of the Late Bronze Age // Northern Eurasia in the Bronze Age: space, time, culture. Altai University, 2002, pp. 166-168 (in Russian).
- The Sintashta Culture and the Indo-European Problem // K. Jones-Bley, D.G. Zdanovich (ed.). Complex Societies of Central Eurasia from the 3rd to the 1st Millennium BC. Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series 45. Institute for the Study of Man. Washington D.C. 2002, pp. 148-160.
- The problem of the use of arsenic bronzes by the Sintashta-Abashevo metallurgists // Bronze Age of Eastern Europe: characteristics of cultures, chronology and periodization. Samara Pedagogic University, 2001, pp. 246-248 (in Russian).
- Investigation of Bronze Age Metallurgical Slag // Kurgans, Ritual Sites, and Settlements Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age. British Archaeological Reports. International Series 890, 2000, pp. 141-149 (in English).