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Foreign scholars personal information
Joseph R.Allen 周文龍
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:USA 美國
Period for Grants:3個月
照片 Photo : 周文龍 Joseph R.Allen

CCS Grant


Instituion:Center for the Study of the Asias,University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA美國明尼蘇達大學

Topic:Modern Textbooks and Classical Chinese Literature


Instituion:Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA


Homepage:Joseph R Allen
Joseph R Allen

Work catalog
  • In the Voice of Others: Chinese Music Bureau Poetry. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan Press, 1992.
  • Forbidden Games & Video Poems: The Poetry of Yang Mu and Lo Ch'ing, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1993.
  • Sea of Dreams: The Selected Writings of Gu Cheng. Translated and Edited. New York: New Directions Publishers, 2005.
  • Signs of Displacement: The Representations of Cultural Space in Colonial and Post Colonial Taiwan. University of Washington Press, Seattle, forthcoming
  • Taipei: City of Displacements. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2012. Winner of the Joseph Levenson Prize in Chinese Studies, Post 1900, 2014.
Article catalog
  • "Narrative Structure in the Shi ji," Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, 3.1 (1981), 31-66.
  • "The Myth Studies of Wen I-to: A Question of Methodology," Tamkang Review, 8.2 (1982), 137-60.
  • "Chinese Script and Lexicography for the Uninitiated: Pedagogical Notes," Journal for the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 19.3 (1984), 35-66.
  • "Lo Ch'ing's Poetics of Integration: New Configurations of the Literati Tradition," Modern Chinese Literature, 2.2 (Fall 1986), 143-169.
  • "From Saint to Singing Girl: The Rewriting of the Lo-fu Narrative in Chinese Literati Poetry," Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. 48.2 (1988), 321-61.
  • “濃與淡:淺論楊牧和羅青的詩” [Density and Lucidity: A Discussion of the Poetry of Yang Mu and Lo Ch'ing], Chung-wai Literary Monthly, 18.12 (1990), 32-58. "The End and the Beginning of Narrative Poetry in China." Asia Major, 2.1 (1989), 1-24.
  • "Oops! The Postmodern (?) Misquote in the Poetry and Painting of Lo Ch'ing." World Literature Today, 65.3 (Summer, 1991), 421-26.
  • "I will Speak, Therefore, of a Graph: A Chinese Metalanguage." Language in Society, 21 (1992), 189-206.
  • "Abandoned: A Found Photo Essay" [photographs and fiction] River Styx, 39, 1992, 35-44.
  • "Macropoetic Structures: The Chinese Solution." Comparative Literature, 45.4 (1993), 305-29.
  • "Dressing and Undressing the Chinese Woman Warrior." Positions, 4.2 (1996), 343-79.
  • "Standing on a Corner in Twelfth Century China: A Semiotic Reading of a Frozen Moment in the Qingming shanghe tu." Journal of Sung-Yuan Studies, 27 (1997), 109-25.
  • “Mapping Taipei: Representation and Ideology.” Studies on Asia, II, 2.2 (Fall 2005), 5-80, plus illustrations.
  • “Taipei Park: Signs of Occupation.” Journal of Asian Studies, 66.1 (2007), 159-99.
  • 站在12世纪中国城市街头: 借读‘清明上河图’中的定格画面 Qingming shanghe tu yanjiuwenxianbuibian. Shenyang: Liaoning provincial museum, 2007, 470-475. Tran. Dai Hongwen. [translation of “Standing on a Corner” essay listed below]
  • “Why Learning to Write Chinese Characters is a Waste of Time: A Modest Proposal.” Foreign Language Annals, 41.2 (Summer, 2008), 237-51.
  • "Chih Yü's Discussion of Different Types of Literature." Two Studies in Chinese Literary Criticism, Parega, 3 (1976), 3-36.
  • "Violent Imitation: The Yüeh-fu Poetry of Li Po." Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Tang Studies. Taipei: Wenjin, 1993. Vol. 1, 551-557. "Babble Beyond Babble: Review Article," Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, 7.1 & 2 (1985), 143-50.
  • “An Album of Classical Chinese Poems,” Delos. 10. 1-2 (1999), 35-46.
  • “Reading Taipei: Cultural Traces in a Cityscape.” Harvard Studies on Taiwan. Vol. 3, 2000, pp. 1-21.
  • “Translating Gu Cheng.” Cypher Journal., 2006.
  • “臺灣的神馬與意識形態” [Divine horses and ideology in Taiwan]. 臺灣與東亞思考 [Taiwan literature and East Asia]. Cheng-chi University, Taiwan, 2007. 332-58.
  • “From Textbooks to Lingerie: Classical Chinese Poetry in Taiwan Popular Culture.” Popular Culture in Taiwan: Charismatic Modernity. London and New York: Routledge, forthcoming.
  • "Picturing Gentlemen: Japanese Portrait Photography in Colonial Taiwan." Journal of Asian Studies, November, 2014, 1009-1042.
  • “From Literature to Lingerie: Classical Chinese Poetry in Taiwan Popular Culture.“ Popular Culture in Taiwan: Charismatic Modernity. London and New York: Routledge, 2010, 65-85.
  • "Why Learning to Write Chinese Characters is a Waste of Time: A Modest Proposal." Foreign Language Annals.. 41.2 (Summer, 2008), 237-51.
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