Terry Kleeman 祁泰履
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:USA 美國
Period for Grants:4個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA美國科羅拉多大學博爾德分校東亞系
Topic:A Translation and Study of a Third-century Daoist Scripture: The Demon Statutes of Lady Blue
Instituion:Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations , University of Colorado at Boulder , USA
Homepage:Terry Kleeman
Article catalog
- Kleeman, Terry. 1980. “Wei, Jin, Nanbeichao zhi wenshi yu Daojiao shi guanxi (The Relationship of Literati of the Wei, Chin, Nan pei Ch’ao Period and Religious Taoism) by Li Fengmao.” A review article co written with T. Yamada. Tōhō Shūkyō 56: 85 90.
- Kleeman, Terry. 1984. “Land Contracts and Related Documents.” In Makio Ryōkai Hakase Shōju Kinen Ronshū: Chūgoku no Shūkyō, Shisō to Kagaku. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankōkai, pp. 1 34.
- Kleeman, Terry. 1991. “Taoist Ethics.” In John Carman & Mark Juergensmayer, eds., A Bibliographic Guide to the Comparative Study of Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 162-95.
- Kleeman, Terry. “Sinology in North America: Shang, Zhou, and Han.” Journal of Intercultural Communications 17-18 (1990-91): 86-94. In Japanese as Fukui Shigemasa, tr., “Kita America ni okeru Chūgokugaku no genjō—In, Shū, Kan o chūshin ni,” Shakai bunka shigaku [Journal of Social and Cultural History] 31: 103-114.
- Kleeman, Terry. 1993. “The Expansion of the Wen-ch’ang Cult.” In Patricia Ebrey and Peter N. Gregory, eds. Religion and Society in T’ang and Sung China. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, pp. 45-73.
- Kleeman, Terry. “Senshu: Seitōteki na chihō shinkō” [The Lord(s) of Sichuan: An orthodox local cult]. Tōhō shūkyō 80 (1992): 33-50; 81 (1993): 43-50.
- Kleeman, Terry. 1994. “Shidō teikun shinkō kenkyū no genjō” [The current state of researches into the cult of the Divine Lord of Zitong]. Maruyama Hiroshi, tr. In Progress towards Taoist Culture: Collected Essays of the Society for Research into Taoist Culture [Dōkyō bunka e no tenbō]. Tokyo: Hirakawa Publishing, pp. 238-41.
- Kleeman, Terry. 1994. “Mountain Deities in China: The Domestication of the Mountain God and the Subjugation of the Margins.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 114.2: 226-38.
- Kleeman, Terry. 1994. “Licentious Cults and Bloody Victuals: Sacrifice, Reciprocity and Violence in Traditional China.” Asia Major, Third series, 7.1: 185-211.
- Kleeman, Terry. 1996. “The Lives and Teachings of the Divine Lord of Zitong.” In Donald S. Lopez, Jr., ed., Religions of China in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 64-71.
- Kleeman, Terry. 1997. "You jisi kan Zhongguo zongjiao de fenlei" [A consideration of the typology of Chinese religion from the standpoint of sacrifice]. In Yishi, Miaohui yu shequ: Daojiao minjian xinyang yu minjian wenhua [Ritual, temple festivals, and communities: Daoist and popular beliefs and popular culture], edited by Li Fengmao and Zhu Ronggui (Ron-guey Chu). Nangang: Academia Sinica, Institute of Literature and Philosophy, pp. 547-555.
- Kleeman, Terry. 1998. “Religious Practice in Zitong: The Local Aspect of a National Cult.” Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 10: 341-355.
- Kleeman, Terry. 2001. “Daoism and the Quest for Order.” Taoism and Ecology. Cambridge, Mass.: Center for the Study of World Religion, Harvard University, pp. 61-70.
- Kleeman, Terry. 2002. “Ethnic Identity and Taoist Identity in Traditional China.” In Livia Kohn and Harold D. Roth, eds., Daoist Identity: History, Lineage, and Ritual. Honolulu: Univeristy of Hawai’i Press, pp. 23-38.
- Kleeman, Terry. 2004. “Reconsructing China’s Religious Past: Textual Criticism and Intellectual History.” Journal of Chinese Religions 32: 29-45.
- Kleeman, Terry. 2005. “Feasting without the Victuals: The Evolution of the Daoist Communal Kitchen.” In Roel Sterckx, ed., Of Tripod and Palate: Food, Politics, and Religion in Traditional China. New York and Hampshire, UK: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 140-162.
- Kleeman, Terry. 2005. “The Evolution of Daoist Cosmology and the Construction of the Common Sacred Realm.” Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies 2.1: 89-110.
- Kleeman, Terry. 2007. “Daoism in the Third Century.” In Florian C. Reiter, ed., Purposes, Means and Convictions in Daoism: A Berlin Symposium, Asien- und Afrika-Studien der Humboldt-Universität su Berlin Band 29. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 11-28.
- Kleeman, Terry. 2007. “Shoki kyōkai shiryō to shite no Dōkyō no rinri kihan ni tsuite” [On Daoist ethical norms as a source for early church history]. Tr. Mori Yuria. Tōyō no shisō to shūkyō 24: 1-26.
- “Daoism and Co-existence” 道教と共生. In Research Center for Kyōsei Philosophy, ed., 6 Annual Report of Kyosei Studies 2008 (Tokyo: Research Center for Kyosei Philosophy, 2008): 40-44.
- “The Ritualized Treatment of Stroke in Early Medieval Daoism and the Secret Incantation of the Northern Thearch.” In Florian Reiter, ed., Foundations of Daoist Ritual, A Berlin Symposium, Asien- und Afrikastudien der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Vol. 33 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2009), 227-238.
- “Michi no kyōkai wo sadameru: shoki Dōkyō kyōdan nin okeru shūkyōteki aidentiti” 「道」 の境界を定める — 初期道教教団における宗教的アイデンティティ[Determing the border of the Dao: Religious identity in the early Daoist church]. In F. Tanaka and Terry Kleeman, eds., Dōkyō to kyōsei shisō 道教と共生思想 [Daoism and the philosophy of co-existence], tr. N. Kikuchi (Tokyo: Taiga shobō, 2009), 36-52.
- “Community and Daily Life in the Early Daoist Church.” John Lagerway and Lü Pengzhi, eds., Early Chinese Religion: Part 2, The Period of Division (220-589) (Leiden: Brill, 2010), 395-436.
- “Authority and Discipline in the Early Daoist Church.” Daoism: Religion, History and Society 2 (2010): 37-64.
- “Exorcising the Six Heavens: The Role of Traditional State Deities in the Demon Statutes of Lady Blue.” Florian C. Reiter, ed., Exorcism in Religious Daoism: A Berlin Symposium, Asien- und Afrika-Studien der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Vol. Nr. 36, (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2011), 89-104.