Reiko Shinno 秦玲子
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Japan 日本
Period for Grants:3個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire美國威斯康辛大學歐克萊爾分校歷史系
Topic:Gendering Japanese Sinology: Yanagida Setsuko (1921-2006) as a Scholar-Activist柳田節子先生的學術及實踐―日本漢學的性別轉向
Work catalog
- The Politics of Chinese Medicine Under Mongol Rule
- Kakuchi yoron chōshaku 格致餘論注釈 (Annotated Translation of Zhu Zhenheng’s Further Views on Extended Knowledge),
- Rosuto Modanitīzu: Chūgoku, Betonamu, Chōsen no kakyo kanryōsei to gendai sekai ロスト・モダニティーズ: 中国・ベトナム・朝鮮の科挙官僚制と現代世界
Article catalog
- “Kaidai” 解題 [Analysis of the Book]. In Kakuchi yoron shōshaku 格致餘論注釈 (Detailed Annotations to Further views on extended knowledge), translated and annotated by Hasebe Eiichi, Shinno Reiko, et al, 243-249.
- “Eigo ken no Higashi Ajia kakyo kanryōsei kenkyūshi” 英語圏の東アジア科挙官僚制研究史 (Historiography of English-Language Studies on East Asian Mandarinates). In Rosuto Modanitīzu: Chūgoku, Betonamu, Chōsen no kakyo kanryōsei to gendai sekai, trans. Furuta Motoo, Shinno Reiko, et al, 215-226.
- “Medical Schools and the Temples of the Three Progenitors.” In Chinese Medicine and Healing: An Illustrated History, ed. Linda Barns and TJ Hinrich, 140-141.
- Review of Yi-Li Wu, Reproducing Women: Medicine, Metaphor, and Childbirth in Late Imperial China (University of California Press, 2011). Isis 103.3 (2012): 569-570.
- “Kaidai: Shārotto Fāsu shi no shokenkyū to Ōbei Taiwan ni okeru Sōgen iryōshi no kenkyū dōkō 解題:シャーロット・ファース氏の諸研究と欧米・台湾における宋元医療史の研究動向” (Analysis of the Article: Works of Charlotte Furth and the trends of Song-Yuan medical history in the US, Europe, and Taiwan). Chūgoku: shakai to bunka中国:社会と文化 (China: Society and Culture), 23 (2008): 128-136.
- “Togawa Yoshio-shi kikigaki: sengo, Sanson kōsakutai, Chūgokugaku戸川芳郎氏聞き書き: 戦後・山村工作隊・中国学 (2)” (Togawa Yoshio oral history: Postwar Japan, mountain village mobilization troops, and China studies, part 2). Co-authored by Hasegawa Kenji and Shinno Reiko. Yokohama kokuritsu daigaku ryūgakusei sentā kyoiku kenkyū ronshū 横浜国立大学留学生センター教育研究紀要 15 (2008): 93-129.
- “Medical Schools and the Temples for the Three Progenitors in Yuan China: A Case of Cross-Cultural Interactions.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 67.1(2007): 89-133.
- “Togawa Yoshio-shi ōraru historii: Sanson kōsakutai sanka keiken o chūshin ni 戸川芳郎オーラルヒストリー:山村工作隊参加経験を中心に(1)” (Togawa Yoshio oral history: centered on his experience of participating in mountain village mobilization troops, part 1). Co-authored by Hasegawa Kenji and Shinno Reiko. Yokohama kokuritsu daigaku ryūgakusei sentā kyoiku kenkyū ronshū (Journal of the International Student Center, Yokohama National University), 14 (2007): 193-216
- Shu Shinkō Kakuchi yoron yakuchū 朱震亨『格致餘論』訳注 (Further Views on Extended Knowledge: an Annotated Japanese Translation of Zhu Zhenheng’s Gezhi Yulun). Translated and annotated by Hasebe Eiichi, Shinno Reiko, et al. Yokohama, Japan: Zhu Zhenheng Reading Group, 2007.
- “Obituary: Yanagida Setsuko 柳田節子 (1921-2006).” Nan Nü 8.2 (2006): 375-376.
- “Joshi 女子” (Women) (co-authored). In Chūgoku shisō bunka jiten 中国思想文化辞典(Encyclopedia of Chinese Thought and Culture), ed. Ikeda Tomohisa 池田知久, et. al., 189-197. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2001.
- “Emerging Perspectives on Song Local History: Japanese Historiography and the Integration of New Archaeology,” (Translation of an article written by Ihara Hiroshi 伊原弘). In Middle-Period Chinese History and Its Future, ed. the Research Group of Historical Materials in Song China, 1-22. Tokyo, 2000.
- “Gendai no Sankōbyō ni tsuite 元代の三皇廟について” (The Temples of the Three Progenitors in the Yuan Dynasty). Nihon ishigaku zasshi 日本医史学雑誌, 44.2 (1998): 50-51.
- “Sōdai no kōgōsei kara mita Chūgoku kafuchōsei: oyobi, dentō no fajiisa to dentō o tsukau kojin ni tsuite 宋代の皇后制から見た中国家父長制:及び、伝統のファジーさと伝統を使う個人について” (Chinese Patriarchy Seen from the Empress System in the Song Dynasty: the Fuzziness of a Tradition and Its Use to Individuals). In Ajia joseishi: hikakushi no kokoromi アジア女性史:比較史の試み (Asian Women’s History: An Attempt at Comparative History), ed. Ajia joseishi kokusai shimpojiumu jikkō iinkai, 297-311. Tokyo: Akashi shoten, 1997.
- “Sōdai no kō to teishi ketteiken 宋代の后と帝嗣決定権” (Empresses and Throne Successions in the Song Dynasty). In Yanagida Setsuko sensei koki kinen ronshū 柳田節子先生古稀記念論集 (Collection of Essays in Celebration of the Seventieth Birthday of Professor Yanagida Setsuko), ed. Yangida Setsuko sensei koki kinen ronshū iinkai, 51-70. Tokyo: Kyūko shoin, 1993.
- “Taiwan ni okeru Chūgokugaku no kokusaika to ‘Yōroppa Chūgokugakushi kokusai kaigi’ ni tsuite 台湾における中国学の国際化と『ヨーロッパ中国史国際会議』について” (Internationalization of Chinese Studies in Taiwan and the ‘International Conference on the History of European Sinology’). Chūgoku: shakai to bunka 中国:社会と文化 (China: Society and Culture) 8 (1993): 310-316.
- “Shushi gorui yakuchū朱子語類訳注 (9)” (Annotated Translation of Zhuzi Yulei, no. 9), Kyūko汲古20 (1993): 56-60.
- “Saiseisan sōchi toshite no kakyo 再生産装置としての科挙” (Translation of Benjamin Elman’s “Political, Social, and Cultural Reproduction via Civil Service Examinations in Late Imperial China”), Shisō 思想 (Philosophies) 810 (1991): 95-112.
- “Chūgoku ni okeru joseishi kenkyū: sono 70 nen (1919-1989) no ayumi 中国における女性史研究:その70年(1919-1989)の歩み” (Translation of Du Fangqin’s “Women’s History Research in China: Seventy Years of Progress (1919-1989)”). Chūgoku joseishi kenkyū 中国女性史研究 (The Journal of Historical Studies on Chinese Women), 3 (1991): 20-42.
- “Chūgoku shoinshi kenkyū: kenkyū seika, genjō to tembō 中国書院史研究:研究成果・現状と展望” (Translation of Thomas H.-C. Lee’s “Studies on the History of Chinese Academies”). Chūgoku: shakai to bunka, 5 (1990): 280-287.
- “Chōgoku zenkindai joseishi kenkyū no tame no oboegaki 中国前近代女性史研究のための覚書” (A Note on Research on the History of Women in Premodern China). Chūgoku joseishi kenkyū, 2 (1990): 2-15.
- “Kaiin no joseishi gyōseki ichiran 会員の女性史業績一覧” (A Bibliography of the Members’ Research on Chinese Women’s History). Chūgoku joseishi kenkyū, 1 (1989): 15-21.