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Foreign scholars personal information
Leikuan Lai 釋融道
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Malaysia 馬來西亞
Period for Grants:4個月

照片 Photo : 釋融道 Leikuan Lai

CCS Grant


Instituion:Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University, Canada加拿大麥基爾大學宗教學院

Topic:Nationalistic Thoughts in Taixu's Reform太虛思想中的民族主義



Instituion:School of Religion, University of Southern California, USA


Homepage:Rongdao Lai

Article catalog
  • Lai, Leikuan (Rongdao). 2008. “Life Story: She Pi-Chen, Tzu Chi Montreal” in Wild Geese: Studies of Buddhism in Canada edited by Victor Sogen Hori, McGill-Queens University Press, forthcoming.
  • 2017, "The Wuchang ideal: Buddhist education and identity production in Republican China," Studies in Chinese Religions, v3n1.
  • 2013, Praying for the Republic: Buddhist Education, Student Monks, and Citizenship in Modern China (1911-1949), PhD dissertation, McGill University. 2013, Co-editor (with Jessica L. Main) of "Socially Engaged Buddhism" section of The Eastern Buddhist, v44n2. Co-author (with Jessica L. Main) of "Introduction."
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Scholar's Photo 980410文化參觀華陶窯
Scholar's Photo 980410文化參觀華陶窯
Scholar's Photo 980410文化參觀華陶窯
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Scholar's Photo 980611台大踏上漢學之路
Scholar's Photo 980611台大踏上漢學之路
Scholar's Photo 98-10釋融道(土城賞桐花)
Scholar's Photo 98-10釋融道(土城賞桐花)
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