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Foreign scholars personal information
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Germany 德國
Period for Grants:3個月

照片 Photo : 施耐德 Axel SCHNEIDER

CCS Grant


Instituion:Centre for Modern East Asian Studies, Gottingen University, Germany德國哥廷根大學東亞研究中心

Topic:Conservative Critique of the Reflection on Modern Notions of Time and History


Instituion:Centre for Modern East Asian Studies, Gottingen University, Germany


Homepage:Axel Schneider

Work catalog
  • Wahrheit und Geschichte: Zwei chinesische Historiker auf der Suche nach einer modernen Identität für China [Truth and History: Two Chinese Historians in Search of a Modern Identity for China] (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz), 1997
  • „Die Verfassungsreform in der Republik China auf T’ai-wan, 1990-1995: Verlauf, Ergebnisse und beeinflussende Faktoren“ (The Constitutional Reforms in the Republic of China on Taiwan, 1990-1995: Process, Results, and Influencing Factors), in Axel Schneider, Gunter Schubert (ed.), Taiwan an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert – Probleme und Perspektiven eines asiatischen Schwellenlandes ) (Taiwan at the Doorstep to the 21st Century – Problems and Perspectives of an Asian NIC) (Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 1996), 7-38.
  • Der Koreakrieg aus der Sicht T'ai-wans (The Korean War as seen from Taiwan), in Periplus 1995, Jahrbuch für außereuropäische Geschichte, 63-71.
Article catalog
  • “Nation, History and Ethics: The Choices of Post-Imperial Chinese Historiography”, in Viren Murthy, Axel Schneider (eds.),The Challenge of Linear Time: Nationhood and the Politics of History in East Asia (Brill, Leiden, 2014), 83-112.
  • “时间等级与道德优势 -- 现代历史观念在 20 世纪中国” (Temporal Hierarchies and moral Superiority -- Modern Views of History in 20th Century China), in Sun Jiang and Liu Jinhui (eds.), 亚洲概念史研究 Vol. 1 (2013), 159-174.
  • “Temporal hierarchies and moral leadership – China’s engagement with modern views of history”, in Chris Lorenz and Berber Bevernage (eds.), Breaking up Time. Settling the Borders between the Present, the Past and the Future (Göttingen: Vandenhoek, 2013), 236-251.
  • “Nation, History and Ethics: The choices of post-imperial Chinese Historiography”, in Transforming History: The Making of a Modern Academic Discipline in Twentieth-Century China, ed. by Brian Moloughney and Peter Zarrow (Hong Kong: Chinese Univer- sity Press, 2012), 271-302.
  • 民族、歷史與倫理:中國史學后帝國時代的選擇, in 新史學 19:2 (Taibei, June 2008), 47-83.
  • 調合歷史與民族? – 歷史性、民族個别性以及普遍性問題, in 真理與歷史:傅斯年、陳寅恪的史學思想與民族認 同 (Beijing: Social Sciences Documentation Publishing House, 2008), 228-237.
  • 世界歷史與歷史相對主義的問題 – 1919 年以后梁啟超的史學, in 真理與歷史:傅斯年、陳寅恪的史學思想與民族 認同 (Beijing: Social Sciences Documentation Publishing House, 2008), 238-259.
  • “The One and the Many: A Classicist Reading of China's Tradition and its Role in the Modern World”, in 中國文學、歷史 與思想中的觀念變遷國際學術研討會論文集 (Taibei: Taiwan daxue wenxueyuan, 2005), 311-373.
  • “Bridging the Gap: Attempts at Constructing a ‘New’ Historical-Cultural Identity in the PRC”, in East Asian History vol. 22 (December 2001), 129-144.
  • “Reconciling history with the nation? – Historicity, national particularity, and the question of universals”, in Asian Nationalism in an Age of Globalization, Ed. Roy Starrs (Curzon, 2001), 223-233; reprinted in Historiography East and West vol.1 no. 1 (March 2003), 117-136. Chinese version: 調合歷史與民族? – 歷史性、民族個别性以及普遍性問題, in 真理與歷史:傅斯 年、陳寅恪的史學思想與民族認同 (Beijing: Social Sciences Documentation Publishing House, 2008), 228-237.
  • 道史之間:為中國找尋現代認同的兩位中國史家, in Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Axel Schneider (ed.), 中國史學研 討會:從比較觀點出發 (Taibei: Daoxiang, 1999), 297-322; reprinted in 中國文化 17-18 (2001), 15-28.
  • „Sind wir Chinesen oder Taiwanesen? – Taiwan im Konflikt konkurrierender nationaler und kultureller Identitäten“ (Are we Chinese or Taiwanese? – Conflicting National and Cultural Identities in Taiwan) (together with Gunter Schubert), in Asien (January 1997), 46-67.
  • Der Koreakrieg aus der Sicht T'ai-wans (The Korean War as seen from Taiwan), in Periplus 1995, Jahrbuch für außereuropäische Geschichte, 63-71.
  • "進步""未來"觀念之我見 : 對王汎森著述的點滴評議 / (德)施耐德(Axel Schneider)著 ; 曹一帆譯/ "思想與方法 : 近代中國的文化政治與知識建構"1冊(426面), 面55-59
Scholar's Photo