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Foreign scholars personal information
Ma-Li Svensson 馬瑮
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Sweden 瑞典
Period for Grants:9個月

照片 Photo : 馬瑮 Ma-Li Svensson

CCS Grant


Instituion:Institute of Science & Technology, Linköping University瑞典林雪平大學科學與技術學院

Topic:Studies of a Female Qing Scholar Wang Zhenyi清代女學人王貞儀研究



Instituion:Norwegian Academy of Education




Article catalog
  • Svensson, Ma-Li. 1989. Mathematical Biographies. In collaboration, editor-in-chief: Liang Z. J. Jinan: Shandong Educational Press.
  • Svensson, Ma-Li. 1993. The Rule of False: Early Applications and Conjectured Transmissions. Mathematics Blue Series 15.
  • Svensson, Ma-Li. 1994. Studies of the Chinese Rectangular Array Algorithm in Nine Chapters. Gothenburg: CTH & GU.
  • Svensson, Ma-Li. 2003. “The Queen of Science.” Invited lecture at Academia Sinica, Taiwanese Society for the History of Science(2001). The text was later published in Balto-Scandia 13.
  • Svensson, Ma-Li. 2003. “Mathematics Education in Traditional China.” NACS papers, Oslo.
  • Svensson, Ma-Li. 2003. “History and philosophy of mathematics education: reflections from the Confucian Heritage Culture.” MERG, sheffield.
  • Svensson, Ma-Li. 2006. “On the rod numeration system.” Invited lecture at Department of Algebra and Number Theory, ELTE, Budapest. Text will be published in 2006.
  • Svensson, Ma-Li. 2004. “Agnesi & Analytical Institutions.” Science in Contact at the Beginning of Scientific Revolution. Acta historiae rerum naturalium necnon technicarum New series 8.
  • Svensson, Ma-Li. 2004. “A traditional Chinese way of teaching mathematics.” Special issue of OCTOGON Mathematical Magazine. Miskolc.
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Scholar's Photo 97文化參觀
Scholar's Photo 971215討論會「足行萬里書萬卷——清代女學人王貞儀及其曆算成就初探」
Scholar's Photo 971215討論會「足行萬里書萬卷——清代女學人王貞儀及其曆算成就初探」
Scholar's Photo
Scholar's Photo 2017-01-06馬瑮演講