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Foreign scholars personal information
Uffe Bergeton 藍悟非
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Denmark 丹麥
Period for Grants:4個月

照片 Photo : 藍悟非 Uffe Bergeton

CCS Grant


Instituion:East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Southern California, USA美國南加州大學東亞系

Topic:Eremitism in Early Chinese Confucianism, Paleography



Instituion:Department of Asian Studies, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, UNC (College of Arts & Science), US



Homepage:Uffe Bergeton

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Bergeton, Uffe. 1998. “Vowel length, raddoppiamento sintattico and the selection of the definite article in Italian.” In Patrick Sauzet, ed. Languages & Grammaire (Ⅱ-Ⅲ) Phonologie. Communications presentees aux Colloques Langues & Grammaire Ⅱ-Ⅲ, reunites par Patrick Sauzet. Paris-8-Documents de Travail Langues & Grammaire #6. Université de Paris 8: Department des Sciences du Langugage/CNRS.
  • Bergeton, Uffe. 2003. “The Independence of Intensifier Adjunction and Binding: Simple and Complex Reflexives in Danish.” In Beyssade, C., O. Bonami, P. C. Hofherr and F. Corblin. Empirical Issues in Formal Syntax and Semantics 4. Presses de l’unversite de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris.
  • Bergeton, U. and R. Pancheva (2012). “A New Perspective on the Historical Development of English Intensifiers and Reflexives”. In D. Jonas, J. Whitman and A. Garrett (eds.). Grammatical Change: Origins, Nature, Outcomes. Oxford University Press, 123-138.
  • Brown, M. and U. Bergeton (2008) ‘Seeing Like a Sage: Three Takes on Identity and Perception In Early China. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35:4, 641-62.
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