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David Curtis Wright 賴大衛
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:USA 美國
Age: 1960birth year:1960Period for Grants:4個月

照片 Photo : 賴大衛 David Curtis Wright

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department of History, University of Calgary, Canada加拿大卡加利大學歷史系

Topic:The Mongol Conquest of Southern Song, China蒙古征服南宋



Instituion:Department of History, University of Calgary, Canada



Homepage:Department of History, University of Calgary
Canadian Global Affairs Institute

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2005. “From Honoured Mound of Bones to Neglected Mound of Refuse: The Mass Burial Site of Anti-Mongol Loyalists in Yuqiao Village, Jiangsu Province, China.” Chronica: Annual of the Institute of History, Szeged 5: 114-124 (Hungary).
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2005. “Nomadic Power, Sedentary Security, and the Crossbow.” Acta Orientalia 28.1: 15-31.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2002. “The Mongol General Bayan and the Massacre of Changzhou, 1275.” Altaica 7: 108-121. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2002. “The Northern Frontier.” In David A. Graff and Robin Higham, eds., A Military History of China. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, pp. 57-79.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2002. “The Screed of a Humbled Empire: The Xin Tangshu's Prolegomena on the Turks.” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hung 55.4: 379-389.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2001. “What's in a Name? Would a Hsiung-nu by Any Other Name Still be a Hun?” In David B. Honey and David C. Wright, eds., Altaic Affinities: Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC). Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, pp. 66-81.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2000. “Mongolian Studies in Ch'ing China (1644-1912).” Mongolica: An International Annual of Mongol Studies 10(31): 489-494.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 1999. “Was Chinggis Khan Literate?” In Juha Janhunen, ed., Writing in the Altaic World (Studia Orientalia 87). Helsinki: The Finnish Oriental Society, pp. 305-12.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 1998. “The Sung-Kitan War of A.D. 1004-1005 and the Treaty of Shan-yüan.” Journal of Asian History 32: 3-48.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 1997. “The Hsiung-nu/Hun Equation Revisited.” Eurasian Studies Yearbook 69: 77-112.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 1995. “The Death of Chinggis Khan in Mongolian, Chinese, Persian, and European Sources.” In Árpád Berta, ed., Historical and Linguistic Interaction between Inner Asia and Europe. Szeged, Hungary: University of Szeged, pp. 425-33. Translations published in Elüng Bütügel (Hailar, Inner Mongolia: Nei Meng-ku wen-hua ch'u-pan she), 1-7 (lead article in a book of 606 pages) and Buriyat Ünen (official government newspaper of Buriyatia, Russia), 16 April 1997, 6 (full-page feature). "Wealth and War in Sino-nomadic Relations." The Tsinghua Journal of Chinese Studies 25.3 (1995): 295-308.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2009. “Yü Yingshi dui Xiongnu Yanjiu di Gongxian” 余英時對匈奴研究的貢獻 [“Yü Ying-shih’s Contributions to Xiongnu Studies”]. In Hoyt Tillman, ed., Wenhua yu Lishi di Zhuisuo 文化與歷史的追索 [In Pursuit of History and Culture] (Taipei: Lianjing, 2010): 327-37.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2008. “A Chinese Princess Bride’s Life and Activism Among the Eastern Türks, 580-593 CE.” In Altayistik Konferansi Bildirileri (Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu, 2007): 463-71.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2007. “Navies in the Mongol Yuan Conquest of Southern Song China, 1274-1279.” Mongolian Studies v. 29 : 207-16.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2007. "The Political and Military Power of Kitan Empress Dowagers." In Veronika Veit, ed., The Role of Women in the Altaic World (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag,): 325-35.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2007. "Professor Denis C. Twitchett and His Books" (pamphlet). Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Academia
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2009. "All the Khan's Ships: The Battle of Yaishan between Chinese and Mongol Navies, 1279." Lecture delivered at the United States Naval War College (Newport, Rhode Island)
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2008. “Mediaeval Chinese and European Strategy, Tactics, and Weaponry for Fending off Nomadic Incursions.” Paper read at the 75 th annual conference of the Society for Military History, Ogden, Utah
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2006. "Taffy III at Leyte Gulf: An Investigation of Historical Credit," Panel A5: "New Wine from Old Records: Sources and Reinterpretations in Military History." Paper read at the 73 rd annual meeting of the Society for Military History, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2005. "Fictitious Kinship Relations Between the Song Chinese and Kitan Liao Ruling Houses During the Eleventh Century." Paper read at the 48 th annual meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference in Moscow, Russia
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2005. "Irredentisms Forsaken: Key Song and Liao Concessions During the Peace Negotiations of 1004-1005." Paper read at the Chinese Military History Society Annual Conference "Terminating Conflict in Chinese History: Military, Political, Diplomatic, and Ritual Dimensions," 28 May 2005, University of Calgary. Conference organised and hosted by myself
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2004. "Nomadic Power and Sedentary Security." Paper read 14 May 2004 in Szeged, Hungary at the First International Conference on the Medieval History of the Eurasian Steppe, organised by the Division for Linguistics and Literatures of the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and by the University of Szeged.
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2004. "Bayan's Campaigns on the Han and Yangtze Rivers, 1273-1276." Paper read at the 118 th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Washington, D.C., Panel #164, "Issues in Thirteenth-century Conflict: Combat and Gunpowder Technology East and West,"
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2003. "Dealing with the Nomadic Threat: Strategic and Tactical Recommendations in Chinese, Byzantine, and Western European Sources." Paper read as a guest lecturer to the Department of History & Classics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2003. "A Chinese princess Bride’s Life and Acculturation Among the Eastern Türks, 580-593 CE." Paper read at the 46 th annual meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference in Ankara, Turkey
  • Wright, David Curtis. 2003. "Ultra-nationalism in China." Paper read at Strategy 2025: DDA Consultation (a formal consultative meeting of academics and military officers from Canada's Directorate of Defence Analysis, national Defence), University of Calgary, 2 June 2003. Sponsored and hosted by the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary.
  • "Debates in the Field During Bayan’s Campaigns Against Southern Song China, 1274-1276". Debating War in Chinese History, (2013): 141-162.
  • "The Northern Frontier". A Military History of China, Updated Edition, (2012): 57-79.
  • "The American Romance of Revolution: American Women Observers of the Chinese Communists, 1920s-1940s". Women’s Studies Journal, (2012).
  • "A Chinese Princess Bride’s Life and Activism among the Eastern Türks, 580-593 CE". Journal of Asian History 45.1, (2012): 39-48.
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Scholar's Photo 951205討論會「宋元之際的世界級海戰 」
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