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Foreign scholars personal information
Jyrki Kallio 高玉麒
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Finland 芬蘭
Period for Grants:3個月
Counsellor, Deputy Senior Arctic Official of Finland
照片 Photo : 高玉麒 Jyrki Kallio

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department for Asian & African Studies, University of Helsinki芬蘭赫爾辛基大學亞非學系

Topic:Discords in Orthodoxy—The Role of "Guwen Guanzhi" Today正統大道蔭下之異議曲徑—《古文觀止》與中國社會



Instituion:The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Finland



Homepage:Jyrki Kallio

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Kallio, Jyrki. 2008. “Jyrki Kallio: Kuu Otavassa – klassisen kiinan kääntämisen karikoista.” Kääntäjä–Översättaren 4/08: 4-5.
  • Kallio, Jyrki. 2005. Onko Kiinassa keskiluokkaa? Teoksessa Kiinan yhteiskunta muutoksessa, toim. Raisa Asikainen & Juha Vuori, Gaudeamus, Helsinki, pp. 73-88.
  • Kallio, Jyrki & Mattlin, Mikael. 2004. “Reinventing ”One China”: how to make room for the peaceful coexistence of China and Taiwan.” Asian affairs, n° 23/2004, pp. 47-58.
  • Kallio, Jyrki & Mattlin, Mikael. 2003. “Making Language Accord with the Truth of Things: A basis for a Cross-Strait Political Solution.” Issues & Studies 39:4: 217-229.
  • Kallio, Jyrki & Mattlin, Mikael. 2003. “Taiwanin kysymys ratkeaa vain diplomaattisella innovatiivisuudella.” Kosmopolis 33:1: 39-58.
  • Kallio, Jyrki. 2003. “Om rotrötan i det kinesiska samhällssystemet.” Finsk Tidskrift 10: 661-678.
  • Kallio, Jyrki. 2002. “Nosta mekkosi helmaa. Harharetki Zhou-kauden Kiinaan.” Kulttuurintutkimus 19.4: 13-22.
  • Kallio, Jyrki. 2000. “Taiwanin kysymys on kiinalainen juttu.” Helsingin sanomat 26. 3. 2000.
  • Kallio, Jyrki. 1999. “Imperiumin vastaisku? Kultturalismi versus nationalismi Kiinan ulkopolitiikassa.” Ulkopolitiikka 3.36. vuosikerta. pp. 6-25.
  • Kallio, Jyrki. 1998. “Yksi Kiina – mutta mikä? Taiwanin kysymys odottaa yhä ratkaisua.” Ulkopolitiikka 4.35. vuosikerta. pp. 70-81.
  • Taiwan’s 2020 election and its implications: Dark clouds looming for already strained cross-strait relations
  • The Sinification of China: How the minorities are being merged into one nation
  • China’s new policy on the European Union: A toughening line on political issues
  • Kiinalaisten syvä epäluulo Venäjää kohtaan: strateginen kumppanuus koskee vain maiden johtajia
  • Xi Jinping thought and China’s future foreign policy: Multipolarity with Chinese characteristics
  • The security strategies of the US, China, Russia and the EU: Living in different worlds
  • Taiwan’s role in East Asian security: Overlooked actor in a pivotal position
  • 11 / 2017 China emerges strong and confident: The dust settles after the Party Congress
  • 10 / 2017 The Communist Party convenes in China: What is in the tea leaves?
  • 08 / 2017 Beyond a war of words? Assessing tensions on the Korean peninsula
  • 04 / 2017 Xi Jinping makes a stop-over in Finland on his way to the USA: Finland and China launch “a new type of partnership”
  • 01 / 2017 Xi Jinping at mid-term and beyond: What lies ahead for China during the incumbent leader’s second term?
  • 01 / 2017 The One China policy and Taiwan: Trump is playing with fire next to a powder keg
  • 03 / 2016 China’s National Congress sacrifices the economy for politics: The new Five-Year Plan is dedicated to maintaining the Party’s leadership
  • 01 / 2016 China’s new foreign politics: Xi Jinping’s universal rule by virtue?
  • 11 / 2015 Last tango in Singapore: Frost expected in Mainland China-Taiwan relations
  • 09 / 2015 No light in sight on the Korean peninsula: Lingering threats and regional responses
  • 04 / 2015 No liberalization in sight for China: The Communist Party is ever more prominently taking the lead
  • 04 / 2014 Chinese Dream, Others' Nightmare? Despite superficial similarities, China is not destined to follow Russia’s path to rogue-dom
  • 03 / 2014 Ukrainan kysymyksessä Kiinan kieli on keskellä suuta: Venäjä ei saa tukea idästä mutta lännen heikkous on Kiinankin etu
  • 02 / 2014 Yet another ‘historic’ meeting between Mainland China and Taiwan: The two sides are talking on a governmental level but there is no cause for celebration
  • 11 / 2013 Kiina vastaa kritiikkiin pitkällä uudistuslistalla: Kommunistipuolue lupaa parantaa kansalaisten oikeuksia, mutta ei aio uudistaa poliittista järjestelmää
  • 10 / 2013 Is the Communist Party dragging China back into the shadow of Mao? China’s new leadership is all about unity and will not allow any dissent
  • 02 / 2013 China in the Year of the Snake: The Chinese remember past humiliations and dream of national rejuvenation
  • 10 / 2012 Haussa ulkopoliittinen identiteetti: Luoko Suomi itse oman linjansa vai syntyykö linja muiden tahdosta?
  • 10 / 2012 Kiinan meri vai kaikkien meri? Etelä-Kiinan meren sopassa on liikaa mausteita
  • 09 / 2012 Between a rock and a hard place: Senkaku islands dispute triggers Chinese nationalist backlash
  • 04 / 2012 Watching a dragon's egg hatch: The makings of a Sinocentric world?
  • 12 / 2011 Kiina haastaa harmonialla: Kommunistinen puolue valaa uutta ideologista perustaa historian varaan
  • 02 / 2011 Tradition in Chinese politics: The Party-state’s reinvention of the past and the critical response from public intellectuals
  • Kallio, Jyrki & Gaens, Bart (2020). Finland's relations with China and the US. In Esteban, Mario and Miguel Otero-Iglesias ed(s): Europe in the Face of US-China Rivalry. A Report by the European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC). Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano. 57-63.
  • (2018). Finland and China: Pragmatism prevails. In Sverdrup-Thygeson, Bjørnar; Yennie Lindgren, Wrenn; Lanteigne, Marc ed(s): China and Nordic diplomacy. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. 45-59.
  • (2017). The Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics in the Light of Chinese tradition. In Hallberg Pekka ed(s): Rule of Law and Sustainable Development. Rule of Law Finland. 63-69.
  • (2016). Finland and China: Bilateral relations characterized by pragmatic rationality. In Sverdrup-Thygeson, B ed(s): Dragon in the North: The Nordic Countries' Relations with China. Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. 22-33.
  • (2016). Towards Confucian communalism: a match made in heaven? International Communication of Chinese Culture, 3 (6):427–442.
  • (2016). Towards China's strategic narrative: On the construction of the historico-cultural roots of China's national identity in the light of the Chinese debate relating to the rise of traditional schools of thought. Rovaniemi: University of Lapland. Doctoral dissertation.
  • (2015). Toward a harmonius world? : emerging thinking on a Chinese international relations model. In Cheng, Joseph Y. S.; Siika, Marita ed(s): New trends and challenges in China's foreign policy. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong. 87-113.
  • (2015). Carving out a role for a Confucian China on the world stage. In Roshker, Jana S.; Visocnik, Natasha ed(s): Contemporary East Asia and the Confucial revival. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 75-97.
  • (2015). Finland-China relations: pragmatic cooperation since 1950. In Huotari, Mikko; Otero-Iglesias, Miguel; Seaman, John; Ekman, Alice ed(s): Mapping Europe-China relations: a bottom-up approach. Berlin: Mercator Institute for Chinese Studies. 20-24.
  • (2015). Dreaming of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Fudan journal of the humanities and social sciences, 8 (44):521-532.
  • (2013). Xunzi – forgotten political theorist enjoys renaissance. Kiina sanoin ja kuvin, 31.12.
  • Behr, Timo; Brattenberg, Erik; Kallio, Jyrki; Aaltola, Mika; Salonius-Pasternak, Charly; Raspotnik, Andreas & Salonen, Maija (2013). The maritime dimension of CSDP: Geostrategic maritime challenges and their implications for the European Union. Strasbourg: Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union, Policy Department, European Parliament.
  • (2011). Chine: Confucius ne suit pas la ligne du Parti. Traduit par Yann Mens. Alternatives Internationales, 30.6.
Scholar's Photo 950607討論會「初清古文選集當中的《古文觀止》以及特殊性 」
Scholar's Photo 950607討論會「初清古文選集當中的《古文觀止》以及特殊性 」
Scholar's Photo 950607討論會「初清古文選集當中的《古文觀止》以及特殊性 」
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