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Foreign scholars personal information
Lloyd Haft 漢樂逸
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Netherlands 荷蘭
Period for Grants:6個月
照片 Photo : 漢樂逸 Lloyd Haft

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department of Chinese, Leiden University荷蘭萊頓大學中文系

Topic:Buddhist Elements in Modern Taiwan Poetry臺灣現代詩中之佛教元素



Instituion:Sinological Institute, Leiden Univerisity,Netherlands(retired)



Lloyd Haft

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Haft, Lloyd. 2001. “A New Look at Classical Chinese Poetry in Translation: Thought on Forms, Structure, and Expression.” In Translation Quarterly 20: 14-76. Hong Kong Translation Society.
  • Haft, Lloyd. 1996. “Some Rhythmic Structures in Feng Chih’s Sonnets.” In Modern Chinese Literature 9.2: 297-326 (Fall 1996).
  • Haft, Lloyd. 1995. “Timeless in Time: Perspective-Building Devices in Yang Ling-yeh’s Poetry.” In Chun-chieh Huang and Erik Zürcher (eds.), Time and Space in Chinese Culture. Leiden etc., E. J. Brill, pp.287-301.
  • Haft, Lloyd. 1994. “Recent Chinese poetry and the Literary Translator.” In China Information [Leiden], Anniversary Supplement to 9.1: 31-36 (summer 1994).
  • Haft, Lloyd. 1994. “Snowy Men and Ice-Cream Emperors: Wallace Stevens in Some Recent Chinese Translations.” In Lloyd Haft (ed.), Words form the West…, pp.145-161.
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