Dominika Baran 白曉蘭
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:USA 美國
Period for Grants:4個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:Linguistics, Harvard University美國哈佛大學語言學系
Topic:Language Ideologies in Practice: Bilingualism in Taiwan意識型態對語言使用的影響:臺灣雙語使用的分析與探索
Article catalog
- Baran, Dominika. “The multiplicity of language ideologies and their dialogic relationships: A case study of Taiwan (working title).” Journal of sociolinguistics (Forthcoming).
- Baran, Dominika. “The Role of Russian Function Words in Urban Colloquial Uzbek.” 44.1 Proceedings from the 2000 Symposium About Language and Society - Austin (SALSA).
- Baran, Dominika. 2008. with Peter L. Patrick. “Aspiring to be Local: Language Ideology, Practice, and Variatino in a Taiwan High School.” Presented at the Sociolinguistic Symposium 17.
- Baran, Dominika. “English Loanwords in Polish and the Question of Gender Assignment.” Proceedings from Penn Linguistics Colloquium 25 (PLC25).
- Baran, Dominika. 2004. “Taiwanese don’t have written words”: Language ideologies and language practice in a Taipei County high school. Proceedings from the 2004 International Conference on Taiwanese Romanization. National Museum of Taiwanese Literature and National Chengkung University. Tainan, Taiwan.
- Baran, Dominika. 2002. Negotiating Complex Identities: Language Choice, Code-switching, and Identity in Taiwan. In Ashley, Leonard R.N. and Finke, Wayne H., eds. Language and Identity: The Selected Papers of the International Conference, October 2-5, 2002. Sponsored by the American Society of Geolinguistics. East Rockaway, NY: Cummings and Hathaway Publishers. 63-75.
- Baran, Dominika. 2005. Sounds like a good student: Language and the school institution in Taiwan. Presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Washington, DC.
- Baran, Dominika. 2005. “Taiwanese doesn’t have culture”: Language ideologies and social identity in Taiwan’s education system. Presented at the Second Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies. Ruhr University at Bochum, Germany.
- Baran, Dominika. 2004. “She’s got wrinkles already”: Policing gender norms on reality TV. Co-author: Lisa Lavoie, Harvard University. Presented at the Third International Gender and Language Association Conference (IGALA 3).Cornell University.
- Baran, Dominika. 2003. The Myth of the “New Taiwanese”: Identity Construction and Language Ideology in the Bilingual Discourse of Taipei’s Young Generation. Presented at the Conference on Language, Interaction and Culture. University of California, Santa Barbara.
- Baran, Dominika. 2000. Harsh Words are Women’s Words: The Emergence of a New Female Speech Style in Poland. Co-author: Olga Syska, Warsaw University. Presented at the First International Gender and Language Association Conference (IGALA 1). Stanford University.
- "Narratives of migration on Facebook: Belonging and identity among former fellow refugees." Language in Society 47.2Cambridge University Press (CUP), (April, 2018): 245-268
- "Linguistic practice and identity work: Variation in Taiwan Mandarin at a Taipei County high school." Journal of Sociolinguistics 18.1 (January, 2014): 32-59.
- “Working with adolescents: Identity, power and responsibility in sociolinguistic ethnography.” Practices of Ethics: An Empirical Approach to Ethics in Social Sciences., edited by I. Paoletti et al., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, pp. 155–76.
- “Translocal spaces and identities: Negotiating belonging among former refugees in a Facebook group message.” Language, Identity and Community (Lodz Studies in Language Series), edited by Kamila Ciepiela, Peter Lang, 2019.