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Sophia Katz 索菲亞/柯書斐
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Israel 以色列
Period for Grants:6個月
Academic staff
照片 Photo : 索菲亞/柯書斐 Sophia Katz

CCS Grant


Instituion:East Asian Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel以色列耶路撒冷希伯來大學東亞系

Topic:Neo-Confucian Philosophical Poetry between the Eleventh and Fifteenth Centuries儒家哲理詩—十一世紀至十五世紀



Instituion:Tel-Hai College, Upper Galilee,Israel


Homepage:International Consortium for Research in the Humanities
Sophia Katz

Article catalog
  • Sophia Katz. 2008. “‘I may be wise, I may be otherwise’: Shao Yong and Chen Xianzhang on Wisdom and Sageliness,” paper presented at the Seventh Conference of the Israeli Association of Asian Studies, Jerusalem
  • Sophia Katz. 2009. “Tradition of Ruist Unrestrainedness: Zeng Dian, Shao Yong and Chen Xianzhang (6th c. BCE – 15th c. CE),” pp. 69-79 in At Home in Many Worlds: Reading, Writing, and Translating from Chinese and Jewish Cultures. Essays in Honour of Irene Eber. Edited by Raoul David Findeisen, Gad C. Isay, Amira Katz-Goehr, Yuri Pines and Lihi Yariv-Laor, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag
  • Sophia Katz. A section on Tang poetry in Kol Asher mi-takhat le-shamaim: Sin Ha-Keisarit [All under Heaven: Imperial China (in Hebrew)], edited by Yuri Pines, Gideon Shelach and Yitzhak Shichor. Vol. 2. Tel-Aviv: The Open University Press, forthcoming
  • Sophia Katz. 2006. “‘Not by Bread Alone’: Poetry and Internal Sageliness in the Neo-Confucian Tradition,” University of Bonn, Germany
  • Sophia Katz. 2005. “Renewed Creation: Chinese Poets on the Essence of Poetry,” paper presented at the Fourth Conference of the Israeli Association of Asian Studies, Jerusalem
  • Sophia Katz. 2005. “White Darkness: the Story of the Taiwanese Singer, Xiao Huangqi,” paper presented at the annual meeting in memory of Rotem Egbar, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Sophia Katz. 2004. “Life in the Fast Lane: Urban Verse in Taiwan,” paper presented at the Fifteenth Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Sophia Katz. 2004. “Is it a Dream, a Poem, or a Painting? New Trends in Contemporary Taiwanese Poetry,” paper presented at the Fifteenth Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, Canberra, Australia
  • Sophia Katz. 2004. “The Dance of Verse: Contemporary Chinese Poetry from Taiwan,” paper presented at the Third Conference of the Israeli Association of East Asian Studies, Haifa
  • Sophia Katz. 2003. “Eternal Present: Voices of Tradition in Modern Chinese Poetry,” paper presented at the annual meeting in memory of Rotem Egbar, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Sophia Katz. 2003. “Between Divination and Poetry: The Book of Changes as a Literary Source,” paper presented at the Second Conference of the Israeli Association of East Asian Studies, Tel-Aviv
  • Sophia Katz. 2002. “Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry into Hebrew,” round table paper presented together with Dan Daor at the weekly seminar of the Department of East Asian Studies, Tel-Aviv University
  • Sophia Katz. 2002. “An Intellectual Discourse in Poetry: A Poetic Discussion of Philosophical Issues,” paper presented at the First Conference of the Israeli Association of East Asian Studies, Jerusalem
  • Sophia Katz. 2001. “Classical Chinese Poetry,” paper presented at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
  • Sophia Katz. 2001. “Dream in Chinese Culture: between Illusion and Truth,” paper presented in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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