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Thomas Michael Buoye 步德茂
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:USA 美國
Period for Grants:3個月
Department Chair
照片 Photo : 步德茂 Thomas Michael Buoye

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department of History, University of Tulsa美國塔爾薩大學歷史系

Topic:Capital Punishment and Confucian Justice: The Limits of Leniency under Traditional Chinese Law死刑與儒家的公平正義:中國傳統法律有關寬宥的限度



Instituion:Department of History, University of Tulsa, USA



Homepage:Curriculum Vitae
Department of History, University of Tulsa

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Buoye, Thomas Michael. 2004. “Litigation, Legitimacy, and Lethal Violence: Why County Courts Failed to Prevent Violent Disputes over Property in Eighteenth-century China.” Contract and Property in Early Modern China. Edited by Jonathan Ocko and Madeline Zelin. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Buoye, Thomas Michael. 2009. “18世紀山東的殺害親人案件:貧窮,絕望與訟案審理中的政治操作.” [(郭威廷譯], (Killing the Family in Eighteenth-Century Shandong: Poverty, Despair and Judicial Politics), (Guo Weiting, translator). In 《明清法律運作中的權力與文化》(Power and Culture in the Practice of Ming-Qing Law) edited by 邱澎生(Chiu Pengsheng), 陳熙遠 (Chen Xiyuan). Taibei: Lianjing Chubansi, pp. 255-274.
  • Buoye, Thomas Michael. 2007. “Filial Felons: Leniency and Legal Reasoning in Qing China.” In Writing and Law in Late Imperial China: Crime, Conflict, and Judgment, edited by Robert C. Hegel and Katherine Carlitz. Seattle: University of Washington Press, pp. 109-24.
  • Buoye, Thomas Michael. 2006. “死刑与儒家的公平正义:中国传统法律有关宽宥的限度.” [张世明,朱玛珑译] (Capital Punishment and Confucian Justice: The Limits of Leniency under Traditional Chinese Law),(Zhang Shiming, Zhu Malong, translators). 《清史研究》(Studies in Qing History) 4 (November, 2006), pp. 51-58.
  • Buoye, Thomas Michael. 2003. “司法檔案以及清代中國的法律、經濟與社會的研究.” [邱澎生, 譯] (Law, Economy, and Society: Recent Trends in Chinese Legal Studies in the United States), (Chiu Pengsheng, translator). 《法制是研究》(Legal History Review) (December, 2003) 4: 217-244.
  • Buoye, Thomas Michael. 1999. “Seeking Truth from Facts: The Scholarship of Albert Feuerwerker.” 《近代中國史研究通訊》 (Newsletter for Modern Chinese History) 28: 63-76.
  • Buoye, Thomas Michael. 1995. “Suddenly Murderous Intent Arose: Bureaucratization and Benevolence in Eighteenth-Century Qing Homicide Reports.” Late Imperial China, (December 1995) 16.2: 95-130.
  • Buoye, Thomas Michael. 1993. “From Patrimony to Commodity: Changing Concepts of Land and Social Conflict in Guangdong Province during the Qianlong Reign (1736-95).” Late Imperial China, (December 1993) 14.2: 19-46.
  • Buoye, Thomas Michael. “Economic Change and Rural Violence in Guangdong During the Eighteenth Century.” Peasant Studies, (Summer 1990) 17.4: 233-259.
  • 訴訟, 合法性以及致命性暴行 : 19世紀中國鄉村法庭無法阻止財產性暴力糾紛之原因 / 步德茂[著]
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