Meir Shahar 夏維明
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Israel 以色列
Period for Grants:3個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:Tel Aviv University以色列特拉維夫大學
Topic:The Shaolin Monastery: History, Religion, and the Chinese Martial Arts
Work catalog
- Shahar, Meir. 2008. The Shaolin monastery: history, religion, and the Chinese martial arts. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
- Shahar, Meir. 1998. Crazy Ji: Chinese religion and popular literature. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center.
- Shahar, Meir coedited with Robert Weller. 1996. Unruly gods: divinity and society in China. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
- Shahar, Meir. Under the Spell of India: Buddhism and the Formation of Medieval Chinese Culture. Coedited with John Kieschnick (Forthcoming).
- Shahar, Meir. 1998. The Chinese Religion ("Ha-Dat ha-Sinit"), (in Hebrew). Tel Aviv: The Broadcast University Series Press.
- Chinese and Tibetan esoteric Buddhism / edited by Yael Bentor, Meir Shahar.
- Oedipal god : the Chinese Nezha and his Indian origins / Meir Shahar.
Article catalog
- Shahar, Meir. 2010. “Religion in the Story of the Stone.” In Approaches to Teaching The Story of the Stone (Dream of the Red Chamber). Edited by Andrew Schonebaum and Tina Lu. Forthcoming, New York: Modern Language association of America.
- Shahar, Meir. 2010. “Chinese Buddhism.” (In Hebrew). In Imperial China. Forthcoming: Tel Aviv: The Open University Press.
- Shahar, Meir. 2009. “Legends of the Building of Old Peking”, by Hok-Lam Chan. Review Published in Journal of Chinese Religions 36.
- Shahar, Meir. 2007. “John Christopher Hamm. Paper Swordsmen: Jin Yong and the Modern Chinese Martial Arts Novel.” Review in China Review International 13.2 (Spring 2007).
- Shahar, Meir. 2007. “Medicine, Religion, or Martial Art? - Qing Illustrations of Shaolin Hand Combat (Shaolin Quan).” Zhongyi yige keyi kandejian de lishi. Beijing: Renmin weisheng.
- Shahar, Meir. 2005. “Martial Arts: Chinese Martial Arts.” In The Encyclopedia of Religion, Second Edition, Editor in chief Lindsay Jones. New York: Macmillan Reference.
- Shahar, Meir. 2005. “Cheng Zongyou's Exposition of the Original Shaolin Staff Method.” Translation included in Victor Mair, ed., Reader of Traditional Chinese Culture. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.
- Shahar, Meir. 2004. “L'anticlericalisme en Chine, editor Vincent Goosaert.” Review published in Journal of Chinese Religions 32.
- Shahar, Meir. 2004. “The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat.” In Shaolin gongfu wenji (Studies on the Shaolin Martial Arts). Henan: Shaolin shuju.
- Shahar, Meir. 2004. “Religion, War, and Martial-Arts in China.” Zmanim 85 (In Hebrew).
- Shahar, Meir. 2003. “Mingchao Shaolin xiwu kaozheng” ("Research into Ming-Period Shaolin Martial Practice"). Shaolin gongfu wenji (Studies on the Shaolin Martial Arts). Henan: Shaolin shuju. (In Chinese).
- Shahar, Meir. 2002. “Jin Yong wuxia xiaoshuo: yi wenhua wei wuqi" ("Jin Yong's Martial-Arts Fiction: Culture as Weapon"). Jin Yong xiaoshuo Beijing guoji yantaohui lunwen ji (Proceedings of the Beijing International Conference on Jin Yong's Fiction). Beijing: Beijing University Press. (In Chinese).
- Shahar, Meir. 2001. “Ming-Period Evidence of Shaolin Martial Practice.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 61.2: 359-413 (December 2001).
- Shahar, Meir. 2001. “Images of the Immortal: The Cult of Lu Dongbin at the Palace of Eternal Joy, by Paul R. Katz.” Review Published in the Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 61.1 (June 2001).
- Shahar, Meir. 2000. “Epigraphy, Buddhist Historiography, and Fighting Monks: The Case of the Shaolin Monastery.” Asia Major 13.2.
- Shahar, Meir. 1999. “Martial-Arts Fiction and Martial-Arts Practice: The Concept of Qi in Jin Yong's Novels.” Jin Yong xiaoshuo guoji yantaohui lunwen ji (Jin Yong's Fiction: Conference Volume). Taipei: Yuanliu, and the Center for Chinese Studies.
- Shahar, Meir. 1999. “Why are Jin Yong's novels so popular in the Chinese-speaking world?” Historia 4 (In Hebrew).
- Shahar, Meir. 1996. “Vernacular Fiction and the transmission of the Chinese Pantheon.” In Meir Shahar and Robert Weller, eds., Unruly Gods: Divinity and Society in China. Honolulu: Hawaii University Press.
- Shahar, Meir. 1994. “Enlightened Monk or Arch-magician? -- The Portrayal of the God Jigong in the Sixteenth-Century Novel Jidian yulu.” Minjian xinyang yu Zhongguo wenhua guoji yantaohui lunwen ji (Popular Beliefs and Chinese Culture: Conference Volume). Taipei: Center for Chinese Studies.
- Shahar, Meir. 1992. “The Lingyin si Monkey Disciples and the Origins of Sun Wukong.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 52.1 (June 1992).
- "Diamond Body: The Origins of Invulnerability in the Chinese Martial Arts." In Perfect Bodies: Sports Medicine and Immortality. Edited by Vivienne Lo. London: British Museum, 2012.
- "Religion in the Story of the Stone." In Approaches to Teaching The Story of the Stone (Dream of the Red Chamber). Edited by Andrew Schonebaum and Tina Lu. New York: Modern Language association of America, 2012.
- "Indian Mythology and the Chinese Imagination: Nezha, Nalakubara, and Krsna." In John Kieschnick and Meir Shahar, editors, India in the Chinese Imagination: Myth, Religion, and Thought. Philadelphia: The University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013.
- "Chinese Religions and Violence." In the Oxford Handbook of Religion and Violence. Edited by Michael Jerryson, Mark Juergensmeyer, and Margo Kitts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.