Jeremy Taylor 戴杰銘
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Australia 澳大利亞
Period for Grants:9個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:The Australian National University澳洲國家大學
Topic:The Rediscovery of late Ching Heritage in Kaohsiung
Instituion:School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Nottingham, UK
Homepage:Jeremy Taylor
Work catalog
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2010. “QuJianghua: Disposing of and Re-appraising the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek's reign on Taiwan.” Journal of Contemporary History 45.1, January 2010, pp. 1-16.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2009. “Being a 'Friend of Free China': W. G. Goddard in Nationalist Taiwan.” The Chinese Historical Review 16.2, Fall 2009, pp. 100-119
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2009. “’Our hometown; our cinema’: Nation, state and colony in the Amoy-dialect film industry of the 1950s.” Journal of Chinese Overseas 5.2, Nov 2009, pp. 235-256.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2009. “The reluctant embassy: Establishing, maintaining and ending Australian diplomatic representation in Taipei, 1966-1972.” Asian Studies Review 33.2, June 2009, pp. 197-210.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2009. “Discovering a Nationalist heritage in present-day Taiwan.” China Heritage Quarterly 17, March 2009.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2008. “From transnationalism to nativism? The rise, decline and reinvention of a regional Hokkien entertainment industry.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 9.1, March 2008, pp. 62-81.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2007. “Taipei’s ‘Britisher’: W.G. Goddard and the promotion of Nationalist China in the Cold-War Commonwealth.” New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 9.2, December 2007, pp. 126-46.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2006. “Recycling personality cults: observations of the reactions to Madame Chiang Kai-Shek’s death in Taiwan.” Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 7.3, September 2006, pp. 347-363.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2006. “The production of the Chiang Kai-shek personality cult, 1929-1975.” The China Quarterly 185, March 2006, pp. 96-110.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2005. “Images of the hometown: the clash of city and village in Taiwanese popular songs.” Chime 16-17: 72-87.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2004. “Colonial Takao: the making of a southern metropolis.” Urban History 31.1, May 2004, pp. 48-71.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2003. “Nation, topography, and historiography: writing topographical histories in Hong Kong.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 15.2: 45-74.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2003. “Reading colonial texts: some thoughts from Taipei.” Rethinking History 7.2, June 2003, pp. 235-241.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2002. “The bund: littoral space of empire in the treaty ports of East Asia.” Social History 27.2, May 2002, pp. 125-142.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2001. “Preserving the remnants of empire in Taiwan: the case of Hamaxing.” East Asian History 21, June 2001, pp. 143-164.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2005. “Reading history through the built environment.” In John Makeham and A-chin Hsiau (eds), Cultural, Ethnic, and Political Nationalism in Taiwan: Bentuhua (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), pp. 159-183.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2004. “Pop music as postcolonial nostalgia in contemporary Taiwan.” In Ned Rossiter and Allen Chun (eds), Refashioning pop music in Asia: Cosmopolitan Flows, Political Tempos and Aesthetic Industries. London: RoutledgeCurzon, pp. 173-182.
- Taylor, Jeremy. 2003. “Rome wasn’t built in a day: Zuoying and the discourse of civilization.” In Christina Neder (ed), Transformation! Innovation? Taiwan in its Cultural Dimensions. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, pp. 29-44.
- 2011. Rethinking transnational Chinese cinemas: the Amoy-dialect film industry in cold war Asia Routledge.
Article catalog
- From Traitor to Martyr: Drawing lessons from the death and burial of Wang Jingwei, 1944 Journal of Chinese History. 3(1), 137-158
- 2019. 'Not a particularly happy expression': 'Malayanization' and the China threat in Britain's late-colonial Southeast Asian territories Journal of Asian Studies. 78(4), 789-808
- 2019. The 'occupied lens' in wartime China: Portrait photography in the service of Chinese 'collaboration', 1939–1945 History of Photography. 43(2), 1-24
- Oxford Bibliography of Chinese Studies: Chiang Kai-shek
- 2018. Lychees and Mirrors: Local opera, cinema, and Diaspora in the Chinese cultural Cold War Twentieth Century China. 43(2), 163-180
- 2016. Gendered Archetypes of Wartime Occupation: ‘New Women’ in Occupied North China, 1937-40 Gender & History. 28(3), 660-686
- 2015. Cartoons and Collaboration in Wartime China: The Mobilization of Chinese Cartoonists under Japanese Occupation Modern China. 41(4), 406-435
- 2015. Republican Personality Cults in Wartime China: Contradistinction and Collaboration Comparative Studies in Society and History. 57(3), 665-693
- (戴杰銘), 2014. 以圖像史料探究汪兆銘政權之政治文化 (Studying the political culture of the Wang Jingwei regime through visual sources): 從國史館館藏談起 (The Academia Historica Collections) 國史研究通訊 (Academia Historica Research Newsletter). 6, 140-148
- 2013. Chinese film exhibition in Occupied Manila (1942-1945) Modern Asian Studies. 47(5), 1588-1621
- 2013. The Sinification of Soviet Agitational Theatre: 'Living Newspapers' in Mao's China Journal of the British Association for Chinese Studies. 2, 27-50
- TAYLOR, J.E. and HUANG, G.C., 2012. Deep changes in interpretive currents?: Chiang Kai-shek studies in the post-Cold War era International Journal of Asian Studies. 9(1), 99-121
- (戴杰銘), 2012. 廈語電影業與菲律賓華僑 (The Amoy-dialect film industry and the Philippine Chinese). In: MAY NG, ed., 香港廈語電影訪蹤 (The traces of Hong Kong's Amoy-dialect films) Hong Kong Film Archive. 64-75