Sabine Wilms 碧悅華
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Germany 德國
Period for Grants:6個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:Department of East Asian Studies, University of Arizona美國亞利桑納大學歷史系
Topic:Reproductive knowledge and the Embodiment of Gender in Early Chinese Medicine
Work catalog
- Wilms, Sabine. 2000. Childbirth customs in early China. Ann Arbor, MI.: University Microfilms International.
- Wilms, Sabine coauthor, with Nigel Wiseman and Feng Ye. 2009 Jin gui yao lue: Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer. Paradigm Publications.
- Wilms, Sabine coauthor, with Nigel Wiseman. 2009. Concise Introduction to Chinese Medicine. Paradigm Publications.
- Resonant Manifestations of Yin and Yang: An Annotated Translation with Commentaries and Discussion of Suwen Chapter 5 in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic (Happy Goat Productions, forthcoming in 2017)
- Shén Nóng Běncǎo Jīng: The Divine Farmer’s Classic of Materia Medica (Happy Goat Productions, 2016).
- Venerating the Root: Sūn Sīmiǎo’s Beì jí qiān jīn yào fāng, Volume 5 on Pediatrics. Part Two (Happy Goat Productions, 2015).
- Twelve Characters: A Transmission of Wang Fengyi’s Teachings (Happy Goat Productions, 2014).
- Let the Radiant Yang Shine Forth: Lectures on Virtue (Happy Goat Productions, 2014).
- Venerating the Root: Sūn Sīmiǎo’s Beì jí qiān jīn yào fāng, Volume 5 on Pediatrics. Part One (Happy Goat Productions, 2013).
- With Nigel Wiseman, Jin gui yao lue: Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer (Paradigm Publications, 2013).
- Formulas from the Golden Cabinet with Songs, Jin Gui Fang Ge Kuo, Vol. 1 (The Chinese Medicine Database, 2010).
- The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Zhen Jiu Da Cheng, Volume 1 (The Chinese Medicine Database, 2010).
Article catalog
- Wilms, Sabine. 2007. “Nurturing the Fetus in Medieval China: Illustrating the Ten Months of Pregnancy in the Ishimpō 醫心方.” In Vivienne Lo and Wang Shumin, eds., Globalizing Chinese Medicine. Brill.
- Wilms, Sabine. 2007. Bei ji qian jin yao fang: Essential Prescriptions worth a Thousand in Gold for Every Emergency: Volumes 2-4 on Gynecology. The Chinese Medicine Database.
- Wilms, Sabine. 2007. “Die Suche nach perfekten Kindern im fruehen China.” In Andreas Noll, ed., Chinesische Medizin bei Fertilitaetsstoerungen. Georg Thieme Verlag.
- Wilms, Sabine. 2006. Entries on Sun Simiao, Tao Hongjing, and Ge Hong in W.F. and Helen Bynum, eds., Dictionary of Medical Biography. Greenwood Press.
- Wilms, Sabine. 2006. “The Formation of Textual Knowledge in the Development of Medieval Chinese Gynecology.” In Hans Ulrich Vogel, Christine Moll-Murata, Gao Xuan, eds., Studies on Ancient Chinese Scientific and Technical Texts. Elephant Press.
- Wilms, Sabine. 2005. “The Transmission of Medical Knowledge on ‘Nurturing the Fetus’ in Early China.” In Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity 2.
- Wilms, Sabine. 2005. “‘Ten Times More Difficult to Treat’: The Treatment and Interpretation of Female Bodies by Male Physicians in Medieval China.” Nan Nü 7/2: 182-215.
- Wilms, Sabine. 2005. “The Art and Science of Menstrual Balancing in Medieval China.” In Andrew Shail and Gillian Howie, eds., Menstruation: A Cultural History. Palgrave.
- Wilms, Sabine. 2005. “Menstruation.” Entry in Edward N. Davis, ed., Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture. Routledge.
- Translation of three articles for the China Medical Board, on Soviet Medicine, Japanese Medicine, and Epidemics and Public Health, published in Medical Transitions in Twentieth Century China edited by Bridie Andrews and Mary Brown Bullock (Indiana University Press, 2014).
- “Eating for Long Life: Sun Simiao on Dietetics." Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine Journal 10: 2 (Nov., 2013), pp. 28-34.
- “Nurturing the Fetus in Early Medieval China. Information from the Classic of Childbirth.” In TJ Hinrichs and Linda Barnes, ed., Chinese Medicine and Healing: An Illustrated History (Harvard University Press, 2012).
- “Nurturing the Fetus in Medieval China: Illustrating the Ten Months of Pregnancy in the Ishimpō 醫⼼⽅.” in Vivienne Lo and Wang Shumin, eds., Globalizing Chinese Medicine: An Illustrated History (Brill: 2014).
- “Nurturing Life in Classical Chinese Medicine: Sun Simiao on Healing without Drugs, Transforming Bodies, and Cultivating Life.” in Journal of Chinese Medicine 93, June 2010.
- “Die Kunst der ‘Regulierung der Menstruation’ im frühmittelalterlichen China.” in Chinesische Medizin (2010 issue).