Satoshi Ota 太田哲
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Japan 日本
Period for Grants:6個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London英國倫敦大學亞非學院
Topic:Japanese Popular Culture in Taiwan People's Everyday Culture Practice
Instituion:School of Global Studies, Tama University, Japan
Work catalog
- Ota, Satoshi. 2009. The Ambiguous Lightness of Being: Taiwanese Youth, Identity, and consumption of Japanese Youth Culture. Gurgaon: Shubhi Publications.
Article catalog
- Ota, Satoshi. 2010. “An Anthropological Investigation of Cultural Authenticity in the Works of Tanizaki Junichiro.” In Unita Sachidanand (ed.) Contributions to Japanese Literature. New Delhi: Anamika Publishers.
- Ota, Satoshi. 2010. “Japan Craze Tribe and Subcultural Practice among Taiwanese Youth.” In G. Balatchandirane (ed.) Japan in a Resurgent Asia. New Delhi: Manak Publications Pvt. Ltd.
- Ota, Satoshi. 2010. “Cheerful Women and discontented Men: The Impact of Consumerism and Media Images on Japanese Young Men.” In P.A George (ed.) Japanese Studies: changing global profile. New Delhi: Northern Book Centre.
- Ota, Satoshi. 2010. “The Effect of Reading Literature for Acquiring Foreign language: a case of learning Japanese.” In Anita Khanna (ed.) The Role & Significance of Literature in language Pedagogy. New Delhi: The Japan Foundation Support.
- Ota, Satoshi. 2007. ‘‘’Because they look real’: watching Japanese TV dramas among Taiwanese youth.” In C. Storm and M. Harrison (eds) The Margins of Becoming: Identity and Culture in Taiwan. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
- Ota, Satoshi. 2006. “’Sex in the Field: Anthropologists’ Sexual Involvement with the People in the Field.” E-Bulletin: International Sociological Association 5: SAGE, November 2006.
- Ota, Satoshi. “Depopulation and aging: a potential problem in North-East.” In Khanrin 8: 1. Delhi: Tangkhul Katamnao Long, June-July 2009
- Ota, Satoshi. 2008. “The Prospect of Learning a Foreign Language.” In Khanrin 1. Delhi: Tangkhul Katamnao Long, July 2008.
- Ota, Satoshi. 2006. “Are Japanese noodle soups too salty for Taiwanese?: A study of taste and culture.” Column: Cultural Crossroads (written in Japanese) in Wei Chiulan (ed.) Taiwan News 94. Tokyo, August 2006.
- Ota, Satoshi. 2006. “An inquiry into multiculturalism.” Column: Cultural Crossroads (written in Japanese) in Wei Chilan (ed.). Taiwan News 95. Tokyo, September 2006.
- Ota, Satoshi. 2006. “Does Japan spoil women?: A remark on consumerism of Japanese women.” Column: Cultural Crossroads (written in Japanese) in Hsieh Chiachia (ed.). Taiwan News 96. Tokyo, October 2006.
- Ota, Satoshi. 2006. “Are Yankee and Taike symbol of Japanese and Taiwanese culture?: A study of working class culture in Japan and Taiwan.” Column: Cultural Crossroads (Written in Japanese) in Hsieh Chiachia (ed.). Taiwan News 97. Tokyo, November 2006.
- Ota, Satoshi. "‘Because They Look Realistic’: Watching Japanese TV Dramas among Young Taiwanese Women".
- The witches of Tokyo: An investigation into the bimajyo trend