Gil Raz 李福
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Israel 以色列
Period for Grants:6個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:Indiana University美國印地安納大學
Topic:Taoist Ritual Charts and their Antecedents
Instituion:Department of Religion, Dartmouth College,USA
Homepage:Gil Raz
Work catalog
- The Emergence of Daoism: Creation of Tradition. (London: Routledge Press, 2012).
Article catalog
- Encounters in mountains
- “Imbibing the Universe: Methods of Ingesting the Five Sprouts,” Asian Medicine, Tradition and Modernity 7 (2013).
- “The Way of the Yellow and the Red: Sexual Practice in Early Daoism,” Nan Nü, Men, Women and Gender in China 10 (2008).
- “Time Manipulation in Early Daoist Ritual: The East Well Chart and the Eight Archivists,” Asia Major 18 (2005)