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Foreign scholars personal information
Mikhail Karpov 卡爾波夫
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Russia 俄羅斯
Period for Grants:3個月
臺灣獎助金2013, 2016年受獎學人
照片 Photo : 卡爾波夫 Mikhail Karpov

CCS Grant


Instituion:Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University俄羅斯莫斯科國立大學亞非研究所

Topic:Political Modernization in the R.O.C. in Global Perspective



Instituion:School of Asian Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia



Homepage:Mikhail Karpov

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • 2019. Challenges of Trans-Eurasian Integration. Russia and Mongolia in the Context of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor (Улан-Батор). Presentation: Economic Corridor China-Mongolia-Russia: Bilateral Aspect in Multilateral Format
  • 2018. The Transformation of Asian Economic Institutions: Understanding Local Changes and Global Imoacts on Business and Society (Будапешт). Presentation: China’s Institutional “Miracle”. Party-State in the Transition to Market Economy: Potential and Limits of Systemic Sustainability
  • 2017. The Color of Chinese Money (Лондон). Presentation: Chinese Trade and Investment in Russia: Beijing’s Peacock Dance
  • 2016. Lodz East Asian Forum (Лодзь). Presentation: “Shadow” Banking vs State Banking: Social and Institutional Dynamics of Financial Deregulations in Mainland China and Taiwan
  • 2016. The Fourth Term Presentations of MOFA Taiwan Fellowship Scholars (Тайбэй). Presentation: Freeing Finance as Political Crisis Management in Taiwan and China
  • 2014. Lodz East Asian Forum (Lodz). Presentation: Could Mainland China Follow the Taiwanese Path of Financial Deregulation?
  • Karpov M. From "Chaos" to "Order" to Uncertainty. Chinese Quintessential Reading of Russia's Post-Communist Transformation // Russia in Global Affairs. 2019. Vol. 17. No. 4. P. 53-77.
  • Karpov M. China’s Institutional “Miracle”— Party-State in the Transition to Market Economy: Potential and Limits of Systemic Sustainability, in: Dilemmas and Challenges of The Chinese Economy in the 21st Century: Economic Policy Effects of the Belt and Road Initiative. Budapest : Budapest Business School University of Applied Sciences, 2018. P. 107-138.
  • Karpov M. East European “BigBang” Revisiting East Asia? Why Chinese “Gradual Transition” Can End Up with “Shock Therapy” // Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations. 2018. Vol. 4. No. 1. P. 179-202.
  • Karpov M. The Grandeur and Miseries of Russia's "Turn to the East". Russian-Chinese "Strategic Partnership" in the Wake of the Ukrainian Crisis and Westren Sanctions // Russia in Global Affairs. 2018. Vol. 16. No. 3. P. 130-152.
  • Karpov M. Can Taiwan's Pattern of Financial Deregulation be Instructive for Market Reforms in Mainland Chinese Financial Sector, in: Building the Diverse Community: Beyond Regionalism in East Asia. Lodz : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego/Lodz University Press, 2016. P. 85-107.
  • Karpov M. Temporary Difficulties or the Start of the "Endgame": Chinese economy Between Financial Deregulation and New Stimulius Packages // King's College of London, Lau China Institute, Policy Paper Series. 2016. Vol. 1. No. 3. P. 1-14.
  • Karpov M. Will the Russian-Chinese "Strategic Partnership" last until 2020? Plausible Thoughts on an "Implausible" Scenario // Policy Paper Series Sydney University China Studies Center. 2015
  • Karpov M. Explaining Political Economy of China's Transition to Market: "Multiple-Track" Model // St. Petersburg Annual of Asian and African Studies. 2014. No. 3
  • Karpov M. “The Bear and the Dragon. Xi Jinping’s First State Visit to Moscow Speaks Volumes about Sino-Russian Ties”. // Strategic Vision for Taiwan Security. 2013. Vol. 2. No. 9
  • Karpov M. GDP Dynamics, Industrialization and Market Reforms in China // The China Journal. 2012
  • Karpov M. “From Public to Where? How Looks “Latent Property Transition” at the Chinese State Assets in the Light of 2004-2006 “Big Discussion” // Eurasian Review. 2012. No. 5
  • “Sketches on Political Economy of the “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”: “Multiple-Track Leninism” Part 1: “Price Reform as a Clue to the Chinese Reform Path: Practices and Theories of the “Double-Track” Pricing” // “Vostok-Orients” (JRAS). 2011. No. 3
  • “Sketches on Political Economy of the “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”: “Multiple-Track Leninism” Part 2: “Theories of “Double-Track Transition” and Realities of “Multiple-Track” System” // “Vostok-Orients” (JRAS). 2011. No. 4
  • Chinese Yuan as a Reserve Currency, Russian-Chinese Trade and the Problems of the Chinese National Finance System // Московский коммерсант. 2010. No. 12
  • Refuge from the Heat. Political and Architectural History of the Summer Resort in Chengde // Oriental Collection” (JRNL). 2010
  • Autumn of the Ancient Capital. China’s Communist Leadership, Intellectuals and Soviet Advisers’ Competing Views of the Beijing’s Future in 50s-early 60s of the 20th Century // Oriental Collection” (JRNL). 2009
  • Algebra of the Chinese Harmony. The Place and Meaning of the 6th Plenary Meeting of the CC of CCP in October 2006 // Asia and Africa today. 2007. No. 3
  • Global Projects of the “Great Powers” in Central Asia // Rules of the Game. 2006. No. 3
  • Vibrant Party or an Empty Shell? Some Comparisons between Former Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Today’s CCP // Oriens. 2006. No. 6
  • The Factor of Lee Yuan Tseh and Political Triumph of DPP in the ROC Presidential Elections” in “Kuomintang in Taiwan: Past, Present and Future // Moscow State University, Institute of Asian and African Studies. 2003
  • The Dust of Old Beijing. Past and Present of the Chinese Capital // Journal of the Russian national Library. 2002. No. 9
  • Snow Domes of the Himalayas. Three Weeks “on the Ground” in Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh // Asia and Africa today. 2001. No. 9
  • Successes and Anxieties of the “Other China”. Recent Social and Political Developments in Taiwan // Asia and Africa today. 2000. No. 8,9
  • “Glamour of Impoverished Democracies. Problems of Political Stability in Russian and East European Post-communist Transitions” // Contemporary Social Sciences. 1999. No. 3
  • “Was Deng Xiaoping Cleverer than Mikhail Gorbachev? Early Stages of Transition in former USSR and People’s Republic of China” // Asia and Africa today. 1999. No. 10
Scholar's Photo 2016年度第四次外交部「臺灣獎助金」學人研究成果發表會
Scholar's Photo 臺灣閱讀節「幸會臺灣」
Scholar's Photo 105年度國慶酒會(左起:VAKHOVSKIY教授、MRS. KARPOV、KARPOV教授)