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Foreign scholars personal information
Edward Wang 王晴佳
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:USA 美國
Period for Grants:4個月

照片 Photo : 王晴佳 Edward Wang

CCS Grant


Instituion:Rowan University美國羅文大學

Topic:Tradition and Transition: Historical Writings in Taiwan,1950s-1990s



Instituion:History Department, Rowan University,USA



Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Wang, Edward. “Victor or Villain? The Varying Images of Zhu Yuanzhang in 20th Century Chinese Historiography.” Long Live the Emperor! Uses of the Ming Founder across Six Centuries of East Asian History, ed. Sarah Schneewind (Society for Ming Studies, forthcoming).
  • Wang, Edward. 2007. “Is There A Chinese Mode of Historical Thinking? A Cross-Cultural Analysis.” History and Theory 46:2 (May 2007), 201-209.
  • Wang, Edward. 2007. “Cross-Cultural Developments of Modern Historiography: Examples from East Asia, the Middle East, and India.” The Many Faces of Clio: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Historiography, eds. Q. Edward Wang and Franz L. Fillafer. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 187-209.
  • Wang, Edward. 2006. “Time, History, and Dao: Zhang Xuecheng and Martin Heidegger.” Notions of Time in Chinese Historical Thinking, eds. Chun-chieh Huang and John B. Henderson. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, pp. 131-156.
  • Wang, Edward. 2005. “Beyond East and West: A Critical Comment on the Development of Modern Chinese Historiography.” Storia della Storiografia [History of Historiography], 47: 49-55.
  • Wang, Edward. 2005. “Toward a Humanist Interpretation of Tradition: The Hermeneutics of the 'Critical Review Group'.” Interpretation and Intellectual Change: Chinese Hermeneutics in Historical Perspective, ed. Ching-i Tu. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, pp. 257-277.
  • Wang, Edward. 2004. “Adoption, Appropriation and Adaptation: the German Nexus in the East Asian Project on Modern Historiography.” Berliner China-Hefte 26 (May 2004), pp. 3-20.
  • Wang, Edward. 2003. “The Rise of Modern Historical Consciousness: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Eighteenth-Century East Asia and Europe.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies XL:1-2 (Winter-Spring 2003), pp. 74-95.
  • Wang, Edward. 2003. “Encountering the World: China and Its Other(s) in Historical Narratives, 1949-89.” Journal of World History 14:3 (September 2003), pp. 327-358.
  • Wang, Edward. 2002. “Taiwan’s Search for National History: A Trend in Historiography.” East Asian History 24 (December 2002), pp. 93-116.
  • Wang, Edward. 2002. “China’s Search for National History.” Turning Points in Historiography: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, eds. Q. Edward Wang and Georg Iggers. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, pp. 185-208.
  • Wang, Edward. 2002. “Time, History, and Dao: Zhang Xuecheng and Martin Heidegger.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 1:2 (Summer 2002),pp. 251-276.
  • Wang, Edward. 2002. “German Historicism and Scientific History in China, 1900-1940.” Across Cultural Borders: Historiography in Global Perspective, eds. Eckhardt Fuchs and Benedikt Stuchtey. Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 141-162.
  • Wang, Edward. 2000. “Historical Writings in 20th Century China: Methodological Innovation and Ideological Influence.” An Assessment of 20th Century Historiography, ed. Rolf Torstendahl. Stockholm: The Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, pp. 43-69.
  • Wang, Edward. 2000. “Objectivity, Truth, and Hermeneutics: Re-reading the Chunqiu.” Classics and Interpretations: The Hermeneutic Tradition in Chinese Culture, ed. Ching-i Tu. New Brunswick NJ: Transaction Publishers, pp. 155-172.
  • Wang, Edward. 2000. “Between Marxism and Nationalism: Chinese Historiography and the Soviet Influence, 1949-1963.” Journal of Contemporary China 9:23: 95-111.
  • Wang, Edward. 1999. “History, Space and Ethnicity: The Chinese Worldview.” Journal of World History 10:2 (Sept. 1999), pp. 285-305.
  • Wang, Edward. 1999. “World History in Traditional China.” Storia della Storiografia [History of Historiography], 35: 83-96.
  • Wang, Edward. 1997. “Images, Perceptions, and Foreign Policy: New Directions in the Study of Sino-American Relations.” Journal of Contemporary China 6:15: 389-402.
  • Wang, Edward. 1996. “Modernity inside Tradition: The Transformation of Historical Consciousness in Modern China.” Indiana East Asian Working Paper Series on Language and Politics in Modern China 10 (Winter 1996), pp. 58-83.
  • Wang, Edward. 1995. “Interpreting the Chinese Revolution: Chinese and American Scholarship on Chinese Peasant Rebellions.” Asian Thought and Society 20:60 (Sept. - Dec. 1995), pp. 221-240.
  • Wang, Edward. 1995. “Time Perception in Ancient Chinese Historiography.” Storia della Storiografia [History of Historiography] 28: 69-86.
  • Wang, Edward. 1994. “Guests from the Open Door: The Reception of Chinese Students into the US, 1900s-1920s.” The Journal of American-East Asian Relations 3:1 (Spring 1994), pp. 55-76.
  • Wang, Edward. 1992. “History in Late Imperial China.” Storia della Storiografia [History of Historiography] 22: 3-22.
  • Wang, Edward. 1991. “Western Historiography in the People's Republic of China (1949-to the present).” Storia della Storiografia [History of Historiography] 19: 23-46.
  • Wang, Edward. 2006. “Is Chinese Civilization Historical? Reflections on the Past and Present of the Teaching of Chinese History in US Colleges and Universities.” The Image of China in US Higher Education (美國大學課堂裡的中國), eds. Wang Ban and Zhong Xueping. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, pp. 72-94. (In Chinese).
  • Wang, Edward. 2005. “Professors and Students in WWII China: The Political Involvement of Intellectuals in a War Time.” Historical Research (歷史研究) 4: 25-48. (In Chinese).
  • Wang, Edward. 2004. “The Rise of Scientific History in Modern China and Japan: Mutual Influences and Interactions.” Essays on Chinese Literature and History (中華文史論叢) 72. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe. (In Chinese).
  • Wang, Edward. 2003. “‘New Historiography’ in Modern China and Its Connection with Japan: the ‘Historiographical Revolution’ in the Late Qing and the ‘Civilizational History’ of Meiji Japan.” Historical Inquiry (台大歷史學報), National Taiwan University 32 (Dec. 2003), pp. 191-236. (In Chinese).
  • Wang, Edward. 2002. “Irving Babbitt and China: A Comparative Study in Cultural History.” Bulletin of Modern History Institute, Academia Sinica (中央研究院近代史研究所集刊) 37 (June 2002), pp. 41-92. (In Chinese).
  • Wang, Edward. 2000. “Main Trends in 20th century Chinese Historiography: The Rise of Professionalism and Scientific History.” Scholarship and Society in 20th Century China: History (20世紀的中國: 學術與社會—史學卷), ed. Luo Zhitian. Shandong: Shandong renmin chubanshe, pp. 581-712. (In Chinese).
  • Wang, Edward. 2000. “Qian Mu and Scientific History, 1926-1950.” Historical Inquiry (台大歷史學報), National Taiwan University 26 (Dec. 2000), pp. 121-150. (In Chinese).
  • Wang, Edward. 2000. “Postcolonialism and Chinese Historiography.” China Scholarship (中國學術),1:3 (2000), pp. 255-288. (In Chinese).
  • Wang, Edward. 1999. “Tradition and Transformation: Historical Studies in Taiwan, 1949-1999.” Historical Inquiry (台大歷史學報), National Taiwan University 24 (Dec. 1999), pp. 329-374. (In Chinese).
  • Wang, Edward. 1999. “How Should We View the Postmodern Challenge to History?” New History (新史學) 10:2 (June 1999), pp. 107-143. (In Chinese).
  • Wang, Edward. 1998. “Chinese Historiography and the West in the Twentieth Century: Origins of Modern Historical Consciousness.” New History (新史學), 9:1 (March 1998), pp. 55-84. (In Chinese).
  • Wang, Edward. 1993. “Beyond Sinology: A Critique of the Chinese Studies in the US.” Historical research (歷史研究) 6 (1993), pp. 181-189. (In Chinese).
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