Frank Dikötter 馮客
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Netherlands 荷蘭
Period for Grants:3個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London英國倫敦大學亞非學院
Topic:Health and Medicine in Late Imperial China
Work catalog
- Dikötter, Frank. 2010. Mao's Great Famine: The history of China's most devastating catastrophe. London: Bloomsbury; New York: Walker Books.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2008. The age of openness: China before Mao. Berkeley: University of California Press; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2007. Exotic commodities: Modern objects and everyday life in China. New York: Columbia University Press; also published as Things modern: Material culture and everyday life in China, London: Hurst.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2004. Narcotic culture: A history of drugs in China. Co-authored with Lars Laamann and Zhou Xun, Chicago: University of Chicago Press; London: Hurst; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2003. 'Patient zero': China and the myth of the opium plague. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, Inaugural Lecture Series.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2002. Crime, punishment and the prison in modern China. New York: Columbia University Press; London: Hurst; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Transl. in Chinese as Feng Ke, Zhongguo jianyu shi, Nanjing: Jiangsu renmin chubanshe, 2005.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1998. Imperfect conceptions: Medical knowledge, birth defects and eugenics in China. New York: Columbia University Press; London: Hurst.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1995. Sex, culture and modernity in China: Medical science and the construction of sexual identities in the early republican period. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press; London: Hurst; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1992. The discourse of race in modern China. Stanford: Stanford University Press; London: Hurst; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Transl. in Chinese as Feng Ke, Jindai Zhongguo zhi zhongzu guannian, Nanjing: Jiangsu renmin chubanshe, 1999.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1996. The construction of racial identities in China and Japan. C. Hurst.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1992. The discourse of race in modern China: 近代中國之種族觀念. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
- 馮客著;徐有威等譯 2008 《近代中國的犯罪、懲罰與監獄》,南京市 : 江蘇人民出版社。
- 馮客著;楊立華譯 1999 《近代中國之種族觀念》,南京市 : 江蘇人民出版社。
- Dikötter, Frank. 2016.The Cultural Revolution: A People's History, 1962-1976;New York: Bloomsbury Press.
- Dikötter, Frank.2015.The Discourse of Race in Modern China.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
- Dikötter, Frank.2013.“The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution 1945-1957”.New York: Bloombury Press
- Cultures of Confinement
- 2018. 解放的悲劇 : 中國革命史1945-1957 / 馮客(Frank Dikötter)著 ; 蕭葉譯
- 文化大革命 : 人民的歷史,1962至1976 / 馮客(Frank Dikötter)著 ; 向淑容, 堯嘉寧譯
- 2012. 毛澤東的大饑荒 : 1958-1962年的中國浩劫史 / 馮客(Frank Dikötter)著 ; 郭文襄, 盧蜀萍, 陳山譯
- 近代中國的犯罪、懲罰與監獄 / (荷)馮客著 ; 徐有威等譯 ; 潘興明校 2008
- 近代中國之種族觀念 / (英)馮客著 ; 楊立華譯
Article catalog
- Dikötter, Frank. “The racialization of the globe: An interactive interpretation.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 31.8 (Nov. 2008): 1478-1496.
- Dikötter, Frank. “A paradise for rascals": Colonialism, punishment and the prison in Hong Kong (1841-1898).” Crime, History and Societies 8.1 (summer 2004): 49-63.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2003. “The emergence of labour camps in Shandong province, 1942-1950.” China Quarterly 175 (September 2003): 803-817.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2002. “A history of the syringe in modern China.” Twentieth-Century China 28.1 (November 2002): 37-56.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2002. “Narcotic culture: A social history of drug consumption in China.” Co-authored with Lars Laamann and Zhou Xun, British Journal of Criminology 42.2 (spring 2002): 317-336.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2002. “The promise of repentance: Prison reform in modern China.” British Journal of Criminology 42.2 (spring 2002): 240-249.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2000. “Crime and punishment in early republican China: Beijing's first model prison, 1912-1922.” Late Imperial China 21.1 (December 2000):140-162.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1999. “Science médicale et criminalité en Chine.” Equinoxe. Revue de Sciences Humaines 22 (Fall 1999): 133-143.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1998. “Reading the body: Genetic knowledge and social marginalisation in the PRC.” China Information 13.2-3 (December 1998): 1-13.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1998. “Race culture: Recent perspectives on the history of eugenics.” American Historical Review 103.2 (April 1998): 467-478.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1997. “Racial nationalism in China.” Jindai Zhongguo shi yanjiu tongxun (Newsletter for Modern Chinese History) 24 (September 1997): 54-72.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1997. “Crime and punishment in post-liberation China: The prisoners of a Beijing gaol in the 1950s.” China Quarterly 149 (March 1997): 147-159.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1996. “Culture, "race" and nation: The formation of national identity in twentieth-century China.” Journal of International Affairs 49.2 (January 1996): 590-565.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1994. “Nationalism and sexuality in China.” Itinerario 18.2 (September 1994): 10-21.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1994. “Racial identities in China: Context and meaning.” China Quarterly 138 (June 1994): 404-412.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1994. “Sexualité, discipline et modernité en Chine.” Equinoxe. Revue de Sciences Humaines 11 (April 1994): 171-183.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1993. “Sexually transmitted diseases in modern China: A historical Survey.” Genitourinary Medicine 69 (October 1993): 341-345.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1992. “Racial discourse in modern China.” Bulletin of the British Association for Chinese Studies, (Summer 1992): 24-31.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1992. “The limits of benevolence: Wang Shiduo (1802-1889) and population control.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 55.1(February 1992): 110-115.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1991. “The discourse of race and the medicalization of public and private space in modern China (1895-1949).” History of Science 29.4.86 (December 1991): 411-420.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1990. “Group definition and the idea of "race" in modern China (1793-1949).” Ethnic and Racial Studies 13.3 (July 1990): 421-432.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1989. “'Eugenics in Republican China.” Republican China 15.1 (November 1989): 1-17.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2009. “Objects and agency: Material culture and modernity in China.” In Karen Harvey (ed.), History and material culture. London: Routledge, , pp. 158-172.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2008. “Rassendiskurs in China.” In Bea Gomes, Walter Schicho and Arno Sonderegger (eds): Rassismus: Beiträge zu einem vielgesichtigen Phänomen. Wien: Mandelbaum, pp. 119-149.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2007. “China, British imperialism, and the myth of the ‘opium plague’.” Co-authored with Lars Laamann and Zhou Xun, in James Mills (ed.), Drugs and empires. Houndsmill: Palgrave, pp. 19-38.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2007. “Prisons and imprisonment: Chinese law.” In Stanley N. Katz (ed.), Encyclopedia of legal history. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2006. “Kang Youwei.” In Justin Wintle (ed.), New makers of modern culture. London: Routledge.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2005. “Minguo shiqi de modeng wanyi, wenhua pincou yu richang Shenghuo” (Things modern, cultural bricolage and everyday life in republican China). In Li Xiaoti, Zhongguo de chengshi shenghuo (City life in China). Taipei: Lianjing, pp. 477-496.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2005. “Penology and reformation in modern China.” In Børge Bakken (ed.), Crime, policing and criminology in China. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 29-63.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2005. “Race in China.” In Pal Nyiri and Joana Breidenbach (eds), China inside out: Contemporary Chinese nationalism and transnationalism. Budapest: Central European University Press, pp. 177-204.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2004. “China' and 'Opium.” In Jordan Goodman (ed.), Tobacco in history and culture: An Encyclopedia. Scribner's Turning Points in History Series, Michigan: Charles Scribner.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2003. “Crime and punishment in post-liberation China.” In Alan Lawrance (ed.), China since 1919: Revolution and reform. A sourcebook.London: Routledge. Originally published in China Quarterly 149 (March 1997): 147-159.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2003. “Global science, national politics and assimilationist discourse in modern China.” In Bien Chiang and Ho Ts'ui-p'ing, State, market and ethnic groups contextualized. Taipei: Academia Sinica, pp. 251-278.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2003. “Racial discourse in China.” In John Stone and Rutledge Dennis (eds), Race and ethnicity. London: Blackwell, pp. 125-136. Originally published as a chapter in Frank Dikötter (ed.), The construction of racial identities in China and Japan. London: Hurst, 1997.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2003. “Sexualleben.” In Brunhild Staiger, Stefan Friedrich and Hans-Wilm Schütte (eds), Das grosse China-Lexikon. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, pp. 665-668.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2003. “Non-Western traditions: China.” In Roy Porter (ed.), The Cambridge history of science 4, The eighteenth century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 688-697.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2002. “Race culture: Recent perspectives on the history of eugenics.” In Inderpal Grewal and Caren Kaplan (eds), An introduction to women's studies: Gender in a transnational world. New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 69-72; originally published in American Historical Review 103.2 (April 1998): 467-478.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2002. “Race in China.” In David Theo Goldberg and John Solomos (eds), A companion to racial and ethnic studies. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 495-510.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2002. “Eugenics in Asia.” In Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Bates (eds), International encyclopedia of the social and behaviour sciences. London: Pergamon.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2001. “Geti de shengzhi, zhengti de jianglai: Minguo de youshengxue” (Individual bodies and collective destinies: Eugenics in republican China). In Huang Kewu and Zhang Zhejia (eds), Si yu gong: Jindai Zhongguo geti yu zhengti zhi chongjian (Private space and public space: The restructuring of individual and collective bodies in modern China). Taibei: Zhongyang yanjiuyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo jikan, pp. 203-222.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2000. “La sexualité et les maladies sexuellement transmissibles en Chine: Discours médical et représentations culturelles.” In Marie-Eve Blanc, Laurence Husson et Evelyne Micollier (eds), Sociétés asiatiques face au Sida.Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 23-39.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2000. “Identidad.” In Taciana Fisac and Steve Tsang (eds), China en Transición. Sociedad, cultura, política y economía. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra, pp. 165-188.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1999. “Racial discourse in China.” In John Hutchinson and Anthony D. Smith (eds), Ethnicity: A reader, London: Routledge, pp. 245-253. Originally published as a chapter in Frank Dikötter (ed.), The construction of racial identities in China and Japan. London: Hurst, 1997.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1999. “Wissenschaft, Sex und Moderne in China.” In Franz X. Eder and Sabine Frühstück (eds), Neue Geschichten der Sexualität. Beispiele aus Ostasien und Zentraleuropa 1700-2000. Vienna: Turia und Kant, pp. 191-208.
- Dikötter, Frank. 2003. “Group definition and the idea of "race" in modern China (1793-1949).” In Kevin Reilly, Stephen Kaufman, Angela Bodino (eds), Racism: A global reader. New York: Sharpe, pp. 207-210; and Martin Bulmer and Jon Solomos (eds), Racism. Oxford Readers Series, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 151-160; originally published in Ethnic and Racial Studies 13.3 (July 1990): 421-432.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1999. “Modern China' and 'Wang Fuzhi.” In Kelly Boyd (ed.), Encyclopedia of historians and historical writing. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 214-216, 1279.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1998. “Hairy barbarians, furry primates and wild men: Medical science and cultural representations of hair in China.” In Alf Hiltebeitel and Barbara D. Miller (eds), Hair: Its power and meaning in Asian cultures. New York: State University of New York Press, pp. 51-74.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1998. “Médecine chinoise et tératologie (XVIe-XXe siècles).” In Michel Porret (ed.), Le corps violenté. Du geste à la parole. Geneva: Droz, pp. 241-254.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1997. “Introduction.” In Frank Dikötter (ed.), The construction of racial identities in China and Japan: Historical and contemporary perspectives.London: C. Hurst; Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press; Sydney: Allen and Unwin, pp. 1-11.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1997. “Racial discourse in China: Permutations and continuities.” In Frank
- Dikötter (ed.), The construction of racial identities in China and Japan: Historical and contemporary perspectives. London: C. Hurst; Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press; Sydney: Allen and Unwin, pp. 12-33.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1997. “A history of sexually transmitted diseases in China.” In Scott Bamber, Milton Lewis and Michael Waugh (eds), Sex, disease, and society: A comparative history of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS in Asia and the Pacific. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, pp. 67-84.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1996. “Group definition and the idea of "race" in modern China (1793-1949).” In John Hutchinson and Anthony D. Smith (eds), Ethnicity. Oxford Readers Series, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 245-54; originally published in Ethnic and Racial Studies 13.3 (July 1990): 421-432.
- Dikötter, Frank. 1995. “Racial identities in East Asia.” In Barry Sautman (ed), Racial identities in East Asia. Hong Kong: Division of Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, pp. 1-6.
- 1995: Sex, Culture and Modernity in China: Medical Science and the Construction of Sexual Identities in the Early Republican Period
- 1992: The Discourse of Race in Modern China