Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Poland 波蘭
Period for Grants:3個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences波蘭科學院哲學與社會學研究所
Topic:The Impact of Taiwanese Entrepreneurs’ Religious Attitudes on Tax Morale
Article catalog
- R. Smoczynski, “Hegemonia i obiekt braku. Wybrane wątki postgramsciańskiej filozofii Ernesto Laclau i Chantal Mouffe”, in: Idea, 2009, 21: 133-159 [Hegemony and object of Lack. Selected aspects of Laclau and Mouffe’s social philosophy]
- R. Smoczynski, “Mapping Catholic Governance Practices”, in: Ask. Research and Methods, 2009, 18:123-139
- R. Smoczynski, “The Hegemonic Practices in Ritual Abuse Scare”, in: Borowik, I., Zawiła, M. (eds.) Religions and Identities in Transition, Kraków: Nomos, 2010, pp. 198-213
- R. Smoczynski, D. Hall, L. Greskova, G. Goldberger, "Societal Reactions towards New Religious Movements in Croatia, Poland and Slovakia", in: Hall D., Smoczynski R. (eds.), New Religious Movements and Conflict in Central Europe, Warszawa: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAN Publishers, 2010, pp. 29-95
- R. Smoczynski, “Naming and Affect. The Ontological Function of Ideology in the School of Essex’s Discourse Theory”, in: Educação e Filosofia, 2011, 25/50: 655-674
- R. Smoczynski, “Lacan and Merleau-Ponty: Affective Intentionality”, in. Gleonec, A., Hammer, T., Novotny, K., Specian, P. (eds) Thinking in Dialogue with Humanities. Paths into the Phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, Bucharest: Zeta Books, 2011, pp. 154-167
- R. Smoczynski, “Strategies of the Polish Christian Right. Identification, Imitation and Conflict”, in: Juhant, J., Zalec, B. (eds), Humanity after Selfish Prometheus. Chances of Dialogue and Ethics in a Technicized World, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2011, pp. 185-193
- R. Smoczynski, „ISKCON Fights Back”, in: Mate-Toth A. and Rughinis, C. (eds.), Spaces and Borders. Current Research on Religion in Central and Eastern Europe, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011, pp. 49-63
- R. Smoczynski, “The Agency of Affectivity in Ritual Abuse Moral Panic”, in: Archive of History of Philosophy and Social Thought , 2012, 57: 115-128
- Religious citizenship and gendered sanctions in the lived experience of second generation Ghanaians
- Religious Social Capital in the Political Integration of Second-Generation Migrants
- The UK labour market and immigration: What a difference ten years makes
- Central and Eastern European Accession: Changing Perspectives on Migrant Workers
- The Roots of Polish Culture-Centered Politics: Toward a Non–Purely Cultural Model of Cultural Domination in Central and Eastern Europe
- Practising Religion across National Borders: A Study of Ghanaian Christian Churches in Amsterdam
- The UK labour market and immigration: What a difference ten years makes
- The intelligentsia informed habitus in social distance strategies of Polish migrants in the UK
- Mapping New Religious Movements in Central and Eastern Europe: Approaching the Problem: A Regional View
- Mapping new research directions in the sociology of moral panic
- The UK: A warm and friendly welcome?
- Anti-Polish Migrant Moral Panic in the UK: A Response
- Anti-Polish Migrant Moral Panic in the UK: Rethinking Employment Insecurities and Moral Regulation
- An Interplay Between the Shadow Economy and Religious Oriented Entrepreneurship in Poland. A Qualitative Inquiry
- Persecuting witches in the Early Modern and Late Modern eras: Similarities and differences of the Sabbath myth
- The Making of Satanic Collective Identities in Poland: From Mechanic to Organic Solidarity
- Anti Polish Migrant Moral Panics and Trade Unions in the UK