Thu Huong Nguyen 阮秋香
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Vietnam 越南
Period for Grants:6個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:Institute for International Relations, Lang Thuong, Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam
Topic:Traditional Culture and Human Factors in Taiwan's Spectacular Economic Development
Work catalog
- Thu Huong Nguyen. 2008. "The Ironies of Freedom: Sex, Culture, and Neoliberal Governance in Vietnam."
- Khmer-Viet Relations and the Third Indochina Conflict. Jefferson, NC: MacFarland. 1992.
- Co-editor with Yen Le Espiritu and Russell Leong, 30 Years afterward: Vietnamese Americans and US Empire, a special issue of Amerasia Journal 31:2 (2005).
Article catalog
- “ Articulated Sorrows: Intercolonial Imaginings and the National Singular,” Canadian Review of American Studies, 48:3 (2018)
- “The grammar of failure: dispossession, mourning, and the afterlife of socialist futurities,” coauthors Thu-Huong Nguyen-Vo & Grace Kyungwon Hong, Social Identities, 24:2 (2018), 155-172.
- “Into Time: Hồ the Futurist and the Founding of the Nation,” South East Asia Research, 25:1 (2017): 62-79.
- “The Art of Mixing: Bien Hoa Ceramics and the Question of Nation”/”Gốm Biên Hoà – Nghệ Thuật Pha Trộn và Câu Hỏi về Bản Sắc,” Clay for Thought, curated and edited by Frédéric Dialynas Sanchez and Võ Hồng Chương-Đài. Biên Hoà Ceramics Collective, 2016: 16-42
- “Vietnam,” The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism, eds. John Stone, Rutledge M. Dennis, Polly S. Rizova, Anthony D. Smith, and Xiaoshuo Hou. 2016: 1-5.
- “Les Restes Itératifs: Éthique et Esthétique de Représentation de L’Événement Nécropolitique / Iterant Remains: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Mediating the Necropolitical Event“ Chorégraphies Suspendues, curated and edited by Zoe Butt and Jean-Marc Prevost. Nîmes, FR: Musée d’art contemporain Carré d’art, 2014: 82-97.
- “Epitaphic Nation: The Problem of the South and Necropolitics in Early Modern Vietnamese Literature,” PMLA126: 3 (2011): 685-692.
- “The Real and the True: Neoliberalism and Gender Governance in Vietnam,” in Gender Inequalities in Asia, ed. Helle Rydstrom. NIAS Press, 2010: 44-68.
- “History Interrupted: Life after Material Death in South Vietnamese and Diasporic Fiction,” Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 3:1 (2008): 1-35.
- “The Body Wager: Materialist Re-signification of Vietnamese Women Workers and Fictional Representation,” Gender, Place, Culture, 13: 3 (June 2006): 267-281.
- “Forking Paths: How Shall We Mourn the Dead?” Amerasia Journal 31:2 (2005): 157-175.
- “Màu Da và Ngôn Ngữ: Văn Chương Di Dân Việt trong Bối Cảnh Hoa Kỳ” [Introduction: Race and Language: Vietnamese Immigrant Literature in the US], in special issue co-edited with Đặng Thơ Thơ, Thế Kỷ 21 October 2005.
- “Orientalism: Entrances and Exits,” Amerasia Journal 31:1 (2005): 51-54.
- “The Class Sense of Bodies: Women Garment Workers Consume Body Products in and around Hochiminh City,” in Gender Practices in Contemporary Vietnam, eds. Lisa Drummond and Helle Rydstrom. Singapore University Press and the Nordic Institute for Asian Studies. 2004.
- “Governing Sex: Medicine and Governmental Intervention in Prostitution,” in Gender, Household, State: Doi Moiin Vietnam edited by Jayne Werner and Daniele Belanger. NY: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program, 2002.
- “Orange into White: Asian Americans and the Post-colonial Conservatism of Bush’s Era” National Asian Pacific American Political Almanac 2001-2002, eds. Don Nakanishi and James Lai. University of California Los Angeles Asian American Studies Center. 2001.