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2022歐美漢學國際青年學者國際研討會(2022 Sinophone Studies in Europe and the Americas”(SEA) International Young Scholars Conference)

    本館漢學研究中心與國立政治大學華人文化主體性研究中心於202232426日共同主辦「2022歐美漢學國際青年學者國際研討會」(2022 Sinophone Studies in Europeand the Americas”(SEA) International Young Scholars Conference)。活動首日於政治大學舉行,第二天以後移師本館藝文中心3樓會議室舉行。


    國家圖書館曾淑賢館長於今日會議開始之前致詞,除了歡迎現場與會及線上參與的青年學者,還介紹了漢學研究中心三十幾年來推動外籍學人來臺研究成果,自1989年以來獎助接待超過44524位來臺研究漢學之外籍學人,目前不少人已成為國際重要漢學研究單位之中流砥柱。各國學人對國圖專業的資訊服務、學術自由、國民對於文化的重視,以及政府檔案與研究資訊的開放,給予高度評價。近十餘年來更積極拓展漢學與人文研究領域研究資源,從本土到國際、從亞洲延伸到歐、美、澳與中東,40個海外合作館,以及80個國家,600餘個交換單位,長期且持續將臺灣漢學與其他研究成果推展到全球各地。而另外,國圖也是各國拓展、開放漢學典藏資源的平臺,除了館藏12千餘種古籍,超過9成以上已完成數位化並開放於網際網路。此外,國圖還協助包括美國國會圖書館、法國國家圖書館,以及普林斯頓、華盛頓、英屬哥倫比亞、柏克萊加州大學、牛津、史丹佛、多倫多等9所機構進行中文古籍數位化。 臺灣雖小,在漢學領域卻有深厚的文化底蘊,期盼藉由此次會議能彰顯臺灣不只是站在漢學研究的典藏、捍衛人文價值的最前線,更是團結世界學術自由的重要的堡壘。


會議發表(會議採線上報名參加,不開放現場與會,報名相關請見政大華人文化主體性研究中心 Submission linkhttps://forms.gle/VUzbUndSMSzpUUvU8)


Seoyeon LEE 李舒娟 (PhD Student, University of Southern California)

Can Asian Women Writers Imagine Alternative Futures? Representation of Cyborgs in Contemporary Chinese and Korean Science Fiction

亞洲女性作家能否想象另一種未來? 研究當代中韓科幻小說中的賽博格形象

Siyu CHEN 陳思宇 (MPhil Student, Center for China Studies, CUHK)

Experiencing Sinophone in Digital World: Sinophone Heteroglossia in ClubHouse

Elliot CHEUNG 張依諾 (Graduate Student, National Chengchi University)

Ossan’s Love: Transnational Desire in the Queer Sinophone

Dylan K. WANG 王珂 (PhD Candidate, SOAS, University of London)

The Chinese Sherlock Holmes? Robert van Gulik’s Practice of Self-Translation & the Evolution of the ‘Judge Dee’ Stories

Kang Wen CHONG 張康文 (PhD Student, National Taiwan University)

Seeing the Unseen: Narrative Strategies of Late Qing Christian Novel Leading the Family in the Right Way


Ming Kuan GOOI 魏明寬 (PhD Candidate, Research Assistant, University of Malaya)

Guanyin, Deities, Ancestors and Benefactors: A study of the development and Belief System of Guanyin Temple in Selangor

Maja KOSEC 瑪雅 (PhD Student, Research Assistant, University of Ljubljana)

Chinese Religion and the Cuban Revolution: Case Study of the Guan Yu Cult

Richard Ping-I LI 黎秉一 (MA Student, National Chengchi University)

Multifaceted Overseas Chinese: the Yiguandao and its Chinese Education in Contemporary Cambodia

Ying-kit CHAN陳英傑 (Research Fellow, International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden University)

Constructing Chineseness: Case Studies in China and Southeast Asia

Mark Yi-Wei LAI 賴奕瑋 (Research Assistant, National Sun Yat-sen University)

The Geographic Technique of Sinophone: The Imagination of Trans-Boundaries in Chan Koon-chung’s “China Tetralogy”


Pauline HARLAY 何寶玲 (PhD Candidate, SOAS, University of London)

Borders of Taste: the case of tea

Timo ENNEN (PhD Candidate, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Two Forms of Conditionality of Intercultural Understanding and Three Contemporary Responses

Guk CHOI崔菊 (PhD Student, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Confucianistic Formulation of Moral Ought-Not and Its Philosophical Contribution

Barbara WITT 衛易萱 (Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity in Taiwan/ Adjunct Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, NCCU)

Negotiating boundaries within syncretism: reshaping shared narratives in late imperial vernacular fiction

Hui-Yu HSU 許惠渝 (MA Student, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University)

Sleeping, Dreaming, and Awakening: Reception and Transformation of the Christian Metaphorical Structure in Curing Three Cases of Paralysis in Dream(〈夢治三癱小說〉)

Michael RAU 饒忠恕 (PhD Student, Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University)

The Categorical Duty to Decide Which School the Huainanzi Belongs to


Ying-Chun LIN 林盈君 (PhD Candidate, Department of History, National Taiwan University)


Daoli SHI 釋道禮 (Doctoral Student, Department of History, National Taiwan University)

Historical Transformation on Modern Writing and the History of Japanese Buddhism


Kai SHMUSHKO 凯開心 (PhD Candidate, Tel Aviv University/ Leiden University)

Material Explorations of Tea in the Religious- Political Context of China

Shufen LIN 林淑芬 (Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity in Taiwan/ Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, NCCU)

Life is a story to tell: Narrative action as aging care

Thuỳ Trang TRỊN 鄭垂莊 (PhD Candidate, National Cheng Kung University)

Ecocriticism in Literature about Taiwanese and Vietnamese Nature Writing: In Case of Wu Ming-Yi and Nguyen Ngoc-Tu從生態批評角度觀看臺灣與越南自然書寫: 以吳明益和阮玉思作品為例

Sian Chin IAP 葉先秦 (Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity in Taiwan/ Adjunct Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, NCCU)

Is the True Jesus Church a Chinese Indigenous/Independent Pentecostal Denomination? With Special Reference to the Orientalism of Western Scholars toward “Pentecostalism” in the Global South

Yves VENDE (Associate Researcher, Université Catholique de Lille)

François Noel's Transcultural virtue Ethics

Yenchi YANG 楊彥騏 (PhD Student, University of Salzburg)


Tak-Lap YEUNG (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica)

On the Primacy of Imagination and Sensus Communis in the Constitution of Transcultural Subjectivity

Michael SCHAPERS 揚仲修 (Grad Student, Tsinghua University, China)

Performing Truthfulness: Applying Text-Structural Analysis for an Aesthetic Interpretation of the Xunzi’s Argument of ‘cheng

Jinyoung HWANG (PhD Candidate, The University of Hong Kong)

The dichotomy between clear-sightedness and benightedness in Xunzi




