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1. Funded Research

      Soviet Dungans in 1985: Birthdays, Weddings, Funerals and Kolkhoz Life
This work was the research report completed by Professor Svetlana Rimsky-Korsakoff Dyer, a recipient of our Research Grant Program to Assist Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies. Professor Dyer went to Kazakhstan, Kirghiz Republic in 1985 to study the status and customs of the Kolkhoz—descendants of the Muslim rebels from Shenxi and Gansu who fled a series of Ching expeditionary forces between 1862 and 1878. This work was published in June 1991. Price: NT$200 in Taiwan.
ISBN 957-678-054-3

  2. Periodicals

      Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies (quarterly)
The Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies was established in 1982, and is published in February, May, August and November of each year. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide up-to-date reporting on Chinese studies research, education, activities and resources in Taiwan. Its contents include feature articles, reporting on conferences and research, interviews with scholars, introductions to reference works and lists of new essay collections and journal articles. Yearly subscription: NT$600  in Taiwan.
ISSN 0253-2875

      Chinese Studies (quarterly)
Chinese Studies was established in 1983, and is published in June and December of each year. This journal presents a wide range of Sinological papers and book reviews, and accepts manuscripts in both Chinese and English. Yearly subscription: NT$800 in Taiwan.
ISSN 0254-4466

  3. Out of Print Books and Periodicals

       i. Bibliographies

               Bibliography of Research on Chinese Ethnology and Folklore, 1900-1994, 3 Vols. (Out of Print)
Edited by Chien T'ao, a doctoral candidate at Freie Universitaet in Berlin, this bibliography is divided into six sections: Ethnology and Folklore Theory, Chinese Ethnicity and Folklore Theory, Social Organizations and Behavior, Material Culture and Economic Behavior, Popular Belief and Religion, and Popular Arts and Entertainment. 28,823 monographs and papers are listed, and an author index is included. The bibliography was published in June 1997. Price: NT$1,500 in Taiwan.
ISBN: 957-678-227-9

         Bibliography of Research on the Classics, 1912-1987, 2 Vols.  (Out of Print)
Edited by Lin Ch'ing-chang, a researcher in the Academia Sinica Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, this bibliography covers the full range of research on the Chinese classics from 1912 to 1987. It includes over 14,200 monographs, journal articles, collected essays, doctoral dissertations, papers funded by the National Science Council, and papers delivered at academic conferences. The bibliography was published in December 1989. April 1994 revised edition. Price: NT$1000 in Taiwan.
ISBN: 957-678-150-7

         Bibliography of English Translations and Critiques of Contemporary Chinese Fiction 1945-1992 (Out of Print)
Jointly edited by Professor Kam Louie and Professor Louise Edwards of the University of Queensland, this bibliography includes English translations and critiques of contemporary Chinese fiction published in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China between 1945 and 1992. The bibliography was published in December 1993. Price: NT$250 in Taiwan.
ISBN: 957-678-146-9

         Bibliography of Chinese and Foreign Studies on Literature of the Six Dynasties (revised edition) (Out of Print)
Edited by Professor Hung Shun-lung of the Graduate Department of Chinese at Chinese Culture University, this revised bibliography includes approximately 7,500 papers and monographs related to the literature of the Six Dynasties. These works, which are arranged by dynasty and literary category, represent the full spectrum of research on literature of the Six Dynasties. An author index is included. The bibliography was published in June 1992. Price: NT$400 in Taiwan.

     Index to Ching-I-K'ao  (Out of Print)
This index was compiled by Wu Cheng-shang of the Academia Sinica Fu Ssu-Nien Library. It features both title and author indexes, with items arranged by the four-corner system, initial character stroke order and romanized spelling. An introduction to different editions and glossary of alternate character usage is included. The index was published in March 1992. Price: NT$500 in Taiwan.
ISBN: 957-678-074-8

      Twentieth Century Chinese Writers and their Pen Names (revised edition) (Out of Print)
Compiled by Chu Pao-liang of the Harvard Yenching Library, this work is a revised and enlarged version of the original edition published by G. K. Hall & Co., Boston in 1977. The number of writers listed has been increased from 2,524 to 6,784, and the number of pen names has been increased from 7,429 to 17,940. Names are arranged in alphabetical order according to their Wade-Giles spelling, and Chinese characters are included for each entry. This work was published in June 1989. Price: NT$1000 in Taiwan.

      Bibliography of Selected Western Works on T'ang Dynasty Literature  (Out of Print)
This bibliography is edited by Professor William H. Neinhauser, Jr. of the University of Wisconsin. It includes titles of works on T'ang dynasty literature written before and during 1987 in English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish. The bibliography was published in March 1988. Price: NT$150 in Taiwan.

      Bibliography of Studies of the Chinese Family (Out of Print)
This bibliography is edited by Li Yih-yuan and Chuang Ying-chang, both researchers in the Academia Sinica Institute of Ethnology. It contains information on 1,069 monographs, articles and book reviews related to Chinese family studies published before and during 1986. In addition to works on Han Chinese families, works on Taiwanese aboriginal and overseas Chinese families are also included. The bibliography was published in December 1987. Price: NT$150 in Taiwan.

      Bibliography of Tun-huang Studies (Out of Print)
This bibliography is edited by Professor Cheng A-tsai of National Chung Cheng University and Ju Feng-yuh of National Chiayi Teachers College. It contains information on Tun-huang related monographs (over 500), journal and newspaper articles, and unpublished dissertations (over 4,000) written between 1908 and 1986 by Chinese and Japanese scholars.An author index is included. The bibliography was published in April 1987. Price: NT$350 in Taiwan.
ISBN: 957-678-294-5

      Union Catalogue of Chinese Local Gazetteers in Public Collections in Taiwan, ROC. (Out of Print)
This work, which is edited by Professor Wang Teh-yi of National Taiwan University, contains information on Chinese gazetteers held in the collections of the National Central Library and other public libraries, public and private organizations, and provincial associations, as well as those put out by publishing companies. The entry for each gazetteer lists its name, number of volumes, editor, edition and location. This catalogue was published in March 1985. Price: NT$450 in Taiwan.

      Catalogue of Materials on the Modern History of Northeast China (Out of Print)
This work is jointly published by the Center for Chinese Studies and the Academia Sinica Institute of Modern History, and edited by Chao Chung-Fu, a researcher at the institute. It contains information on over 4,000 items, including historical materials, monographs and essays in Chinese, Japanese and western languages. The catalogue was published in July 1984. Price: NT$250 in Taiwan.

      Bibliography of Anthropological Works Published in Taiwan, 1945-1982 (Out of Print)
This bibliography is jointly published by the Center for Chinese Studies and the Ethnological Society of China, and edited by Huang Ying-kuei, chief editor of the Academia Sinica Institute of Ethnology. It contains information on the 3,942 anthropological works published in Taiwan between 1945 and 1992, including monographs, essays and indices. The bibliography was published in June1983. Price: NT$250 in Taiwan.

    ii. Books

      Proceedings of the International Conference on Society, Ethnicity and Cultural Performance, 2 Vols. (Out of Print)
This proceedings contains 25 papers presented at the International Conference on Society, Ethnicity and Cultural Performance. This work covers research areas such as aborigines of Taiwan, overseas Chinese, societies of southern China, folk religion and ceremonies, minorities of Southwest China, and qi (internal energy). This conference was held in recognition of Research Fellow Yi-yuan Lee's being awarded the 87th annual Cultural Award by the Executive Yuan. This collection was published in March 2001. Price: NT$700 in Taiwan.
ISBN 957-678-316-X

      Proceedings of the Conference on Chinese Family and Its Ethics.(Out of Print)
This collection contains 22 papers delivered at the International Conference on Chinese Family and Its Ethics, which was sponsored by the Shih Ho-cheng Folk Culture Foundation and cosponsored by the Center for Chinese Studies. The contents cover ten general topics: the place of family in society's structure, issues in the determination of inheritance and general division of family property, the relationship between the division of labor and members of the household, women and the family, Chinese family system and modern enterprises, Chinese family under modernization, rural and urban families, family worship activities, family evolution due to changes in place and time, and variations of family make-up from changes in societal economic status. This collection was published in June 1999. Price: NT$500 in Taiwan.
ISBN 957-678-279-1

      Proceedings of the Conference on Temples and Popular Culture, 2 Vols. .(Out of Print)
This collection contains 29 papers delivered at the Conference on Temples and Popular Culture in April 1994, which was sponsored by the Executive Yuan Council for Cultural Affairs and cosponsored by the Center for Chinese Studies. Themes include belief and culture, temples and community organization, temple forms, temples and architectural culture, temples and drama, rituals and folk customs, southern Min and New World case studies, and temples and modern life. The collection was published in March 1995. Price: NT$1000 in Taiwan. Available through the Council for Cultural Affairs.
ISBN: 957-898-967-9

      Proceedings of International Conference on Popular Beliefs and Chinese Culture, 2 Vols. (Out of Print)
This collection contains 28 papers delivered at the International Conference on Popular Beliefs and Chinese Culture. These papers are arranged in the following categories: 1. Ritual behavior; 2. The interaction between religion and society; 3. Chinese deities. The collection was published in April 1994. Price: NT$1000 in Taiwan.
ISBN: 957-678-155-8

      Proceedings of International Conference on Values in Chinese Societies (Out of Print)
This collection contains 35 papers delivered at the International Conference on Values in Chinese Societies. Topics include the interpretation of ancient Chinese values; discussion of specific values; comparison of traditional values in China and western cultures; analysis of current values and the reappearance of traditional values; resilient traditional Chinese values and their modern significance; exploration of Chinese values from historical, social, legal, educational and economic standpoints; and the possibility of coexistence for traditional and modern Chinese values. The collection was published in June 1992. Price: NT$1000 in Taiwan.
ISBN: 957-678-084-5

      Papers from Seminar on Chinese Social and Economic History, Summer 1982 (Out of Print)
This collection contains 12 papers delivered at the Seminar on Chinese Social and Economic History in 1982, which was jointly sponsored by the Academia Sinica
's Institute of History & Philology and Institute of Economics. The papers, which are presented in chronological order, cover themes related to Chinese social and economic development. Case studies are used to explore such topics as the formation of rural villages in northern China and agricultural policy in Taiwan. The collection is edited by Hsu Cho-yun, Mao Han-kuang and Liu Tsui-jung, and was published in February 1983. Price: NT$450 in Taiwan.

     iii. Periodicals

        Current Contents of Foreign Periodicals in Chinese Studies (quarterly) (discontinued)
Current Contents of Foreign Periodicals in Chinese Studies was established in February 1984, and was published in February, May, August and November of each year. This purpose of this publication, which is a catalog of Chinese studies articles and book reviews in foreign periodicals, is to make foreign research more accessible to Sinologists in Taiwan. Starting with volume 16 in 1999, Current Contents became an annual publication. Volume 17(2000) was the final volume, which was published in November of 2002. Yearly subscription: NT$200 in Taiwan.
ISSN 0256-9655

Digest of Chinese Studies (annual)(discontinued)
The Digest of Chinese Studies is a review-oriented digest jointly published by the Center for Chinese Studies and the American Association for Chinese Studies. Early each year, ten Sinological monographs from each of the categories of economics, history, literature, politics and society published in Taiwan during the previous year are selected for review by overseas scholars. The purpose of the Digest of Chinese Studies is to promote high quality Sinological works from Taiwan in overseas Chinese studies circles. The Digest of Chinese Studies is not for sale, and ceased publication in 2000 with the 1995-1996 issue.
ISSN 1053-5977

Newsletter for Research on Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
National Central Library(Open a new window)
Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Taiwan Fellowships(Open a new window)
CCS Scholars Worldwide(Open a new window)
Taiwan Fellowships and Scholarships(Open a new window)
Promoting Chinese Studies Abroad(Open a new window)
Taiwan Resource Center(Open a new window)
NCL Manuscript Submission and Review System (Open a new window)

Last updated: 2024/12/22
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