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Bibliography Series

Bibliography of Research on Wei-Jin Xuan Xue Philosophy 1884-2004
Center for Chinese Studies Bibliography Series, No. 17. This bibliography is edited by Professor Li-chen Lin of National Taiwan University. Collected in this bibliography are 12,077 entries from Taiwan, mainland China, Asia, Europe, and America from 1884-2004 regarding the study of Xuan Xue philosophy during the Wei-Jin period. The contents include articles, books, article collections, Master's and doctoral theses, etc. Appendices include a list of academic journals, as well as an author's index. The materials in this bibliography have been exhaustively and meticulously catalogued and are certainly of great benefit to all scholars interested in this field of study. Published in November 2005 by the Center for Chinese Studies. Price NT$700 (two volumes).
ISBN 957-678-433-6

Bibliography of Research on the Classics, 1998-2002, 4 Vols.
Since the year of 1989, edited by prof. Ch'ing-chang, the book called Bibliography of Studies on the Chinese Classics (1912-1987) has been published. The bibliography is highly renowned and valued by academic. Hence it has been published the second version (1988-1992), third version (1993-1997). This work is version forth (1988-2002), which edited by the team led by two compilers-in-chief: Ch'ing-chang Lin and Chiu-Hua Chiang, scholars of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy at Academia Sinica. This bibliography includes 23,692 monographs, journal articles, collected essays, doctoral dissertations, and papers delivered at academic conferences. Included at the end of this work are an index of journals, newspapers and works used and an author index. This bibliography was published in November 2013. Price: NT$1,600 in Taiwan.
ISBN: 978-957-678-519-1

Bibliography of Research on the Classics, 1993-1997, 3 Vols.
This bibliography covers the five fruitful years of Chinese studies after our Bibliography of Studies on the Chinese Classics, 1988-1992. This work has two compilers-in-chief: Ch'ing-chang Lin, a research fellow of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy at Academia Sinica, and Heng-sung Chen, a professor of Chinese Literature at Soochow University. Four other Associate Compilers assisted with this work as well: Shu-ping Ho, Ying-hsuan Lee, Ming-hsiu Weng and Shuai-ching Liu. This bibliography includes over 17,000 monographs, journal articles, collected essays, doctoral dissertations, and papers delivered at academic conferences on the Chinese classics from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Mainland China from 1993 to 1997. Included at the end of this work are an index of journals, newspapers and works used and an author index. This bibliography was published in April 2002. Price: NT$1,200 in Taiwan.
ISBN: 957-678-337-2

Bibliography of Research on the Classics, 1988-1992, 2 Vols.
Also edited by Lin Ch'ing-chang, this bibliography is a continuation of the above work, including over 15,000 research works on the Chinese classics from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Mainland China from 1988 to 1992. The bibliography was published in May 1999. Price: NT$1,000 in Taiwan.
ISBN: 957-678-191-4

Contents of Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies Volumes 1-20, 1982-2001
This bibliography contains the bibliographies of issues 1~29 of our Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies, classifying them into the following subdivisions: research articles, studies of texts, conference reports, organization and school updates, details on the Chinese studies classes offered by universities and graduate programs, and dissertations on Chinese studies. An index and appendix can be found at the end of this work. This bibliography was published in August 2002. This bibliography is not for sale.
ISBN: 957-678-344-5

Contents of Chinese Studies, Volumes 1-18, 1983-2000 
This bibliography compiles the bibliographies of volumes 1-18 of our Chinese Studies. This work has been indexed by five subjects: article title, volume, author, book reviews, and names of people within the titles of works. This bibliography was published in December 2001. This bibliography is not for sale.

ISBN 957-678-329-1 


Bibliography of Research on Han Philosophers, 1997-2001

Edited by Professor Chen Li-kuei of the Graduate Department of Chinese at National Taiwan Normal University, this bibliography includes over 3,000 works on Han philosophers by scholars from all over the world published between 1997 and 2001. An author index and table of periodicals and essay collections is included. Published in September 2003. Price: NT$250 in Taiwan.

ISBN: 957-678-384-4



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Last updated: 2025/1/22
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