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Contents of the Combined Collections of Ming Authors

Contents of the Combined Collections 








Currently, rich repositories of materials on Ming-era China exist in Taiwan. It is a meaningful task, through effective coordination and planning, to present these useful resources to the academia and to Sinologists around the world. For this purpose, the Center for Chinese Studies is gradually building up an indexed database for the “Contents of the Combined Collections of Ming Authors” to bring together these collections around the country, including those of the National Palace Museum, the National Taiwan University Library, the Fu-Ssu Nien Library (Academia Sinica), National Central Library, and the Center for Chinese Studies. At the present stage, we are focused on building a combined catalog and indexes, equipped with search functions by full text, author, title, etc., to provide a convenient, fast, and useful searchable database for scholarly research.





This database is searchable by: (1) full-text search, and (2) browsing indexes for title, author, version, and location.




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Last updated: 2025/1/22
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