Center for Chinese Studies

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Liaison Division

Liaison Division

Main activities:


Publication of periodicals and series



Hosting of international conferences


Reports on Activities in the Sinology Field



Participation in international book exhibitions


Sponsorship of the Research Grant Program to Assist Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies



Establishment and promotion of Chinese Studies Information System


Holding of academic symposiums



Collection and exchange of books and periodicals


1. Publication of Periodicals and Series


a. Periodicals

1. Chinese Studies (semiannual)

2. Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies (quarterly)

3. Current Contents of Foreign Periodicals in Chinese Studies (quarterly) (discontinue)

4. Digest of Chinese Studies (yearly) (discontinue)

b. Series

1. Scholarly Works


      Papers from the Seminar on Chinese Social and Economic History, Summer 1982, Papers from the Second International Seminar on Tun-Huang Studies, Proceedings of International Conference on Values in Chinese Societies, Proceedings of International Conference on Popular Beliefs and Chinese Culture, Proceedings of the Conference on Temples and Popular Culture, Proceedings of the International Conference on Chinese Myth and Legend, Proceedings of the International Conference on Society, Ethnicity and Cultural Performance, Essays on Zhuzi's Scholarship: Proceedings of the Conference on Zhuzi Studies and East Asian Civilization, Vol. 1, Essays on Zhuzi's Scholarship: Proceedings of the Conference on Zhuzi Studies and East Asian Civilization, Vol. 2, "Concealing to Reveal" An International Scholarly Conference on "the Private" and "Sentiment" in Chinese History and Culture Vol. 1 (the Private), "Concealing to Reveal" An International Scholarly Conference on "the Private" and "Sentiment" in Chinese History and Culture Vol. 2 (Sentiment), etc.

2. Bibliographies


     Union Catalogue of Chinese Local Gazetteers in Public Collections in Taiwan, ROC, Bibliography of Chinese Publications on Sino-Korean Relations, Bibliography of Studies of the Chinese Family, Bibliography of Western Works on T'ang Dynasty Literature, Twentieth-Century Chinese Writers and Their Pen Names, Bibliography of Research on the Chinese Classics: 1912-1987, Bibliography of English Translations and Critiques of Contemporary Chinese Fiction: 1945-1992, Index to Ching-I-K'ao, Guide to Modern Chinese Poems in English Translation, Bibliography of Research on Chinese Ethnology and Folklore, 1900-1994, Bibliography of Research on Han Philosophers 1912-1996, Bibliography of Research on Han Philosophers 1997-2001, Bibliography of Tun-huang Studies 1908-1997, Guide to Classical Chinese Poems in English Translation: Five Dynasties through Qing, etc.

3. Funded Works


      Soviet Dungans in 1985: Birthdays, Weddings, Funerals and Kolkhoz Life, by Svetalna Rimsky-Korsakoff Dyer. 


2. Reports on Activities in the Sinology Field


    Since the establishment of the Center for Chinese Studies, we have been issuing Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies, reporting on trends in local and overseas Chinese Studies research, including summaries of research findings, important research projects, academic conferences, and the work of Chinese studies institutions.

      From 2006, the Center also began publishing the E-Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies in order to present academic news in a timely fashion. This publication is sent out to subscribers via email every month. Contents include information about academic activities, seminars, conferences, personnel changes, publications, etc.


3. Sponsorship of the Research Grant Program to Assist Foreign Scholars in  Chinese Studies 


     Since the establishment of the Research Grant Program to Assist Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies in 1989, we have received applications from scholars all over the world. We provide research stipends and round trip air tickets to foreign professor, associate professors, assistant professors, and PhD candidates, encouraging them to come to Taiwan to do their Sinology research in Taiwan. Stipends differ according to position; professors are granted 60,000 NTD per month, associate professors 50,000 NTD per month, and assistant professors, and PhD candidates 40,000 per month. Research period is from 3 months to 1 year in range. When the research period is over, grant recipients must submit a research report, and we will select outstanding ones for publishing. From time to time we also hold seminars and cultural trips for the scholars.

     Due to our fine reputation, many applicants are attracted each year. As of to date, more than 1,500 applicants have applied. As of 2014, we have sponsored more than 390 scholars from 41 countries, including the US, Canada, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, England, Belgium, Lietuva, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Estonia, Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Russia,  South Africa, Turkey, Israel, India, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and Vietnam.


4. Holding of academic symposiums 


      We invite international visiting scholars and foreign sinologists who have received the Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies to give seminars so that local and international scholars may exchange research findings and communicate with each other. From 1989 to December, 2014, we have held over 247 seminars. Speakers include scholars from the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Lietuva, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Poland, Austria, Russia, Turkey, the Czech Republic, and Slovenia.


5. Holding of international conferences


     To exchange and communication among Sinologists at the international level, we invite foreign scholars in Taiwan and participants in our Research Grant Program to Assist Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies to give talks on their research. During the past 30 years, we have held or coordinated more than 10 international seminars, including “Symposium on the New Era of Chinese Studies in Taiwan.”


6. Participation in international book exhibitions 


     With the aim of presenting the results of Sinological research in Taiwan and promoting international academic and cultural exchange, the Center participates actively in a variety of international book exhibitions, including regular attendance of the following:

1. Book Exhibition of the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Chinese Studies: the Center has been participating in this exhibition since 1985, displaying Chinese studies works published in Taiwan on behalf of the Executive Yuan Government Information Office.

2. Book Exhibition of the Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting: the Center has been participating in this exhibition since 1988, displaying mainly our Center's own publications.

    3. Book Exhibition of the Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies    Association of Australia: the Center has been participating in this exhibition since 1993, displaying recent publications in Chinese studies.


7. Establishment and promotion of the Chinese Studies Information System 


    In light of both the Center's mission and the ever-increasing functions of international computer networks, in June 1993 the Liaison Division was entrusted with the task of establishing the Chinese Studies Information System. The goals of this system are as follows:

1. To provide on-line coverage of the latest Chinese studies activities in Taiwan and abroad.

2. To provide on-line information on major Chinese studies conferences in Taiwan and abroad.

3. To establish a database of Chinese Studies organizations in Taiwan and abroad.

        4. To establish a database of Sinological works from Taiwan and abroad.


8. Collection and exchange of books and periodicals 


The Center currently has publication exchange arrangements with over 60 universities, research institutions and private academic organizations in Taiwan, and over 30 Chinese studies organizations in the US, Europe and Asia. We exchange over 90 publications, and receive 600-700 periodicals, serials and conference proceedings, on an annual basis.

The publications we receive are used for compiling bibliographies and reporting on publication news; selected works are displayed at overseas book exhibitions, after which they are donated to university libraries.




Newsletter for Research on Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
National Central Library(Open a new window)
Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Taiwan Fellowships(Open a new window)
CCS Scholars Worldwide(Open a new window)
Taiwan Fellowships and Scholarships(Open a new window)
Promoting Chinese Studies Abroad(Open a new window)
Taiwan Resource Center(Open a new window)
NCL Manuscript Submission and Review System (Open a new window)

Last updated: 2024/9/16
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