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“Studies on Buddhist and Daoist Literature in East Asia” Call for Paper  

The December 2024 issue of Chinese Studies will be a special issue entitled “Studies on Buddhist and Daoist Literature in East Asia” and guest-edited by Chao-heng Liao 廖肇亨, research fellow at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, and Shu-wei Hsieh 謝世維, professor at the Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, National Chengchi University. Papers may be submitted in either Chinese or English. Submissions in Chinese should not exceed 25,000 characters, and those in English should not exceed 30 pages. Form and style should follow the “Guide for Submissions to Chinese Studies” and the “Chinese Studies Stylesheet.”

As the cornerstones of East Asian religious culture, Buddhism and Daoism are regarded as the source of spiritual life for the Sinosphere and the spiritual reliance of the people in their quotidian lives. Thanks to the seemingly daily discovery of new Buddhist and Daoist literature over the past decade or so, including unearthed documents, newly identified editions, new texts and scriptures, newly published local hand-copied works, and additions made to related databases, the study of Buddhist and Daoist classics and literature has entered a new era. New documents invariably lead to different starting points for scholarship. The impact of the discovery of the Dunhuang manuscripts in the 20th century, for example, continues to resonate within the humanities and social sciences. With the above in the mind, the “Studies on Buddhist and Daoist Literature in East Asia” special issue invites scholars from various perspectives to discuss the connotations and transmission of Buddhist and Daoist texts in East Asia concerning any historical era or number of themes.      


The deadline for submissions to this issue is Feb. 28, 2024. Please send submissions to us by e-mail at or by the online manuscript submission website at Please click this link




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Last updated: 2024/7/27
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