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亞太新視域──亞太社會變遷系列演講New Approaches to the Asia-Pacific Regions and its Evolving Communities  


New Approaches to the Asia-Pacific Regions and its Evolving Communities


“Addressing the Comfort Women Controversy: Worthwhile Lessons for Taiwan”




Convener: and Session Chair: Dr. Tsai Ming-Chang (Research fellow and Director of CAPAS, Academia Sinica)


PresenterDr. Thomas J. Ward  (Vice President for Internationalization/ Dean of the College of Public and International Affairs, University of Bridgeport) and Visiting Research Fellow, Academia Sinica Institute of Modern History


Respondent: Dr. Jihyeon Jeong, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University and Visiting Research Fellow,

Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs       


Co-Convener: Dr. Shiu Wen-Tang, Chair of the East Asia Studies Research Group, Academia Sinica Institute of Modern History


Day and Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Time: 10:30AM -12:30 PM

Venue: Conference Room #3; Acad. Sinica Institute of Ethnology


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Last updated: 2025/1/17
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