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International Book Exhibition

To exhibit the achievements of Chinese Studies research in Taiwan and promote International academic exchanges, the Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) actively participates in various International conferences and hold book exhibitions. These conferences include The Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference (participant since 1988); The American Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference (entrusted by the Government Information Office; participant from 1985 to 2001); The European Association for Chinese Studies Biannual Conference; The Chinese Studies Association of Australia Biannual Conference (consecutive participant from 1993 to 1995). During these International conferences, we have exhibited publications published by the CCS as well as Chinese Studies related books published in Taiwan in the prior 3 years.  The books were later on donated to the local university East Asian library in order to promote academic works published in Taiwan.

 年度  書展名稱 地點 參展內容
 民國* 年  EACS 25th Annual Book Exhibition Tallinn Exhibiting Sinology-related books published in Taiwan in the past three years, including 225 titles and 235 volumes
 民國* 年  EACS 24th Annual Book Exhibition Olomouc Exhibiting Sinology-related books and audio-visual materials published in Taiwan in the past three years, including 354 titles and 389 volumes
 民國* 年  EACS 23rd Annual Book Exhibition Leipzig Exhibiting Sinology-related books and audio-visual materials published in Taiwan in the past three years, including 335 titles and 349 volumes
 民國* 年  EACS 22nd Annual Book Exhibition University of Glasgow, UK Exhibiting Sinology-related books and audio-visual materials published in Taiwan in the past three years, including 312 titles and 327 volumes
 民國* 年  EACS 21st Book Exhibition St. Petersburg State University, Russia Exhibiting 253 newly published Sinology books and publications of the Center
 民國* 年   EACS 20th Annual Book Exhibition University of Minu and University of Coimbra, Portugal Exhibiting 561 newly published Sinology books and publications of the Center
 民國* 年  EACS 19th Annual Book Exhibition Paris Exhibiting 589 newly published Sinology books in Taiwan and publications of the Center
 民國* 年  AAS 78th Annual Book Exhibition Seattle Exhibiting Sinology-related books and audio-visual materials published in Taiwan in the past three years, including 339 titles and 350 volumes
 民國* 年  AAS 77th Annual Book Exhibition Boston Exhibiting Sinology-related books and audio-visual materials published in Taiwan in the past three years, including 320 titles and 333 volumes
 民國* 年  AAS 74th Annual Book Exhibition Boston(Closed due to Pneumonia) Exhibiting in the past three years, Taiwan has mainly published Sinology-related humanities and social science publications, including 349 books and DVDs and 356 volumes
 民國* 年  AAS 73rd Annual Book Exhibition Denver Exhibiting in the past three years in Taiwan, there are 342 high-quality publications in the humanities and social sciences related to Sinology and Taiwan studies, 351 volumes
 民國* 年  AAS 72nd Annual Book Exhibition Washington DC Exhibiting 305 kinds of sinology and social science publications published in Taiwan in the past three years
 民國* 年  AAS 71st Annual Book Exhibition Toronto Exhibiting 414 newly published sinology books and publications of the Center
 民國* 年  AAS 70th Annual Book Exhibition Seattle Exhibiting 513 newly published Sinology books and publications of the Center
 民國* 年  AAS 68th Annual Book Exhibition Chicago Exhibiting 524 newly published Sinology books and publications of the Center
 民國* 年  AAS 67th Annual Book Exhibition Philadelphia Exhibiting 521 newly published Sinology books and publications of the Center
 民國* 年  AAS 66th Annual Book Exhibition San Diego Exhibiting 525 newly published Sinology books in Taiwan and publications of the Center
 民國* 年  AAS 64th Annual Book Exhibition Toronto Exhibiting 488 newly published Sinology books in Taiwan and publications of the Center
 民國* 年  AAS 63rd Annual Book Exhibition Honolulu Exhibiting 430 newly published Sinology books in Taiwan and publications of the Center
 民國* 年  AAS第64屆書展 加拿大多倫多 488冊臺灣新出版漢學圖書及本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AAS第63屆書展 夏威夷檀香山 430冊臺灣新出版漢學圖書及本中心出版品
 民國* 年  EACS第18屆書展 拉脫維亞,里加 729冊政府出版品、臺灣新出版漢學圖書及本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AAS第62屆書展 費城 404冊臺灣新出版漢學圖書及本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AAS第61屆書展 芝加哥 343冊臺灣新出版漢學圖書及本中心出版品
 民國* 年  EACS第17屆書展 瑞典,倫德大學 617冊臺灣新出版漢學圖書及本中心出版品
 民國* 年  EACS第16屆書展 斯洛伐尼亞,盧布雅納 641冊臺灣新出版漢學圖書及本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AAS第58屆書展 舊金山 905冊臺灣新出版漢學圖書及本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AAS第57屆書展 芝加哥 886冊臺灣新出版漢學圖書及本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AAS第55屆書展 紐約 僅派員參加會議,未辦書展
 民國* 年  AAS第54屆書展 華盛頓特區 200冊臺灣新出版漢學圖書、本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AAS第53屆書展 芝加哥 文學論著及作品選、本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AAS第52屆書展 聖地牙哥 回首臺灣史料近百年、本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AACS第42屆書展 舊金山 453冊臺灣新出版漢學書刊
 民國* 年  AAS第51屆書展 波士頓 口述歷史叢書、本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AACS第41屆書展 華盛頓特區 332冊臺灣新出版漢學書刊
 民國* 年  AAS第50屆書展 華盛頓特區 文史哲主題學術期刊、本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AACS第40屆書展 紐約 518冊臺灣新出版漢學書刊
 民國* 年  CSAA第五屆澳洲書展 南澳洲,阿得雷得大學 399冊臺灣新出版文史哲書刊
 民國* 年  AAS第49屆書展 芝加哥 中國古典詩主題書刊、本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AACS第39屆書展 賓夕法尼亞 316冊臺灣新出版漢學書刊
 民國* 年  AAS第48屆書展 夏威夷檀香山 易經學之書刊、本中心出版品
 民國* 年  AACS第38屆書展 馬里蘭 711冊臺灣新出版漢學書刊
 民國* 年  CSAA第四屆澳洲書展 澳洲,雪梨 200冊臺灣新出版文史哲書刊
 民國* 年  AAS第47屆書展 華盛頓特區 本中心所出版之書刊

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National Central Library(Open a new window)
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CCS Scholars Worldwide(Open a new window)
Taiwan Fellowships and Scholarships(Open a new window)
Promoting Chinese Studies Abroad(Open a new window)
Taiwan Resource Center(Open a new window)
NCL Manuscript Submission and Review System (Open a new window)

Last updated: 2024/9/19
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