Lectures on Reading Promotion
2024夏季閱讀講座:獅吼──臺灣美術史的時代與追隨者The term Taiwanese art originated in the early 20th century. As a colony, Taiwan was influenced by Japanese art concepts and then transplanted its concepts and systems, gradually forming "Taiwanese art" locally. After the 1970s, the importance and status of Taiwanese artists increased, and "Lion Art" began to promote artists from the Japanese colonial period to the post-war period in 1979. The exploration of Taiwanese art reached its peak with the establishment of the North American Museum and the Provincial Art Museum. In 1996, for the first time in academic circles, the theme of "Taiwanese Art" was held. The Cultural Development Committee of the Executive Yuan held an academic seminar "What is Taiwan? Modern Taiwanese Art and Cultural Identity" at the National Library to confirm the legitimacy and legitimacy of the study of local "Taiwanese Art". The meaning of subjectivity. Since then, Taiwan's art talents have emerged in large numbers and their achievements have been spectacular.The term Taiwanese art originated in the early 20th century. As a colony, Taiwan was influenced by Japanese art concepts and then transplanted its concepts and systems, gradually forming "Taiwanese art" locally. After the 1970s, the importance and status of Taiwanese artists increased, and "Lion Art" began to promote artists from the Japanese colonial period to the post-war period in 1979. The exploration of Taiwanese art reached its peak with the establishment of the North American Museum and the Provincial Art Museum. In 1996, for the first time in academic circles, the theme of "Taiwanese Art" was held. The Cultural Development Committee of the Executive Yuan held an academic seminar "What is Taiwan? Modern Taiwanese Art and Cultural Identity" at the National Library to confirm the legitimacy and legitimacy of the study of local "Taiwanese Art". The meaning of subjectivity. Since then, Taiwan's art talents have emerged in large numbers and their achievements have been spectacular.閱讀更多訊息 2021年夏季閱讀講座「青出於藍──臺灣文學的跨世代對話」Looking at literary works from all over the world, "paying homage to classics" is a common theme and technique in literary works. In the Taiwanese literary works published in the early 21st century, whether the younger generation of writers are rewriting Taiwanese literary classics or retelling or fictionalizing anecdotes of Taiwanese senior writers, "paying homage to the classics" has also become a trend in contemporary literature. Trends to watch out for. Although the creative concerns of writers at the beginning of the 21st century are very different from those of their predecessors, they still bear in mind the traces of Taiwanese literary tradition as creative nourishment, outlining the continuous passing of the fire between classics and contemporary, senior predecessors and junior newcomers. For this reason, the theme of this summer lecture is set as cross-generational dialogue in Taiwanese literature, hoping to respond to this trend. The lecture not only invites well-known scholars of Taiwanese literature to introduce important works of Taiwanese literature and analyze the beauty of classics in detail; on the other hand, it also invites new generation writers to share their own experiences and share how Taiwanese literary classics provide creative nourishment, in order to outline a new look of Taiwanese literature.閱讀更多訊息 2020年夏季閱讀講座──集結,千禧世代作家:新世代作家圖像目前一般臺灣大眾對於臺灣文學的認知,多以資深作家如楊牧、王文興、李昂、白先勇、黃春明、張大春等為主,對目前臺灣新世代文學創作的發展較為陌生。事實上,1980年代以後出生的作家已是目前臺灣文壇創作主力之一。國外把1980年至2000年出生的人口族群稱之為「千禧世代」,他們成長於經濟成熟、全球資訊流通、數位科技蓬勃發展的時代氛圍,導致此一世代作家在創作風格和主題上與前輩作家既有傳承,卻也有明顯世代差異。本講座邀請千禧世代作家現身說法,並各搭配一名學者對談,窺探臺灣新一輩文學創作者的創作心路歷程,以及他們筆下所呈現的二十一世紀臺灣現況。
閱讀更多訊息 2019夏季閱讀講座-舌尖上的繆思──臺灣飲食文學系列講座國家圖書館將於108年夏季5月至7月,利用週六下午規劃辦理6場「舌尖上的繆思──臺灣飲食文學系列」專題講座,邀請6位知名學者與作家,從文學中探討臺灣飲食文學系譜與流變,透過臺灣古早味中的情感、戰爭中的飲食、女性飲食、詩中飲食到客家飲食,邀請民眾一同參與這場臺灣飲食文學的饗宴,從文學中品嚐飲食文化的美味。
閱讀更多訊息 2018夏季閱讀講座 詠歎•樂未央——原住民文學世界中的想像、真實與記憶國家圖書館將於107年夏季5月至7月,利用週六下午規劃辦理6場專題講座,邀請7位知名學者與作家,從臺灣原住民文學的發展、詩歌傳說、海洋文學、族群文化、女性書寫到音樂創作,引領民眾探索原住民文學多樣性與豐富的生命力。